Chapter 5

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3rd person POV
Peter was pacing around his room. He couldn't sleep after the events that occurred last night. The way he thought about Julius, and the way he wanted him to care about him just as much.

It was 19:02. Peter had been contemplating for about an hour. He could have gone downstairs to attend whatever soirée that the gladiator's boss had been throwing, or he could have hidden in his bedroom for the remainder of the night.

Peter figured Maximus would be there, and wherever Maximus was, Julius would have been there too. He pulled on the new clothes Wade had supplied for him.

Peter and Maximus may have been treated the best of all the slaves, even if Max was a former slave. Their masters cared for them. Certain slaves hadn't even been given clothing, or they simply wore the tarnished rags they arrived in.

He slipped on the royal blue garb and straightened it out. Silver designs and patterns flourished along with the outfit. He once again smoothed out any wrinkles and looked in the rusted mirror in front of him.

He ran his fingers through his hair and left his bedroom. He walked around the top floor a bit longer, giving himself plenty of time to reconsider, before descending down the stairs. He heard the loud music of the orchestra playing, and the loud obnoxious sound of high heels roaming around.

Peter walked into the ballroom. Pristine marble flooring and cascading cream-colored pillars lined the outsides. Paintings and statues covered every open section of wall and floor space.

The gladiators looked dashing as always, their outfits tailor-made to accentuate their body frames. He bit his lower lip and stared upon finding Julius. He was tall and sexy and seemed so dangerous.

The ladies wore long elegant gowns that draped to the ground, and they were adorned with golden jewels, only of the finest expense. Many of them had been talking themselves up to wade or the other gladiators.

Peter walked over to Julius and Maximus. Julius looked down, "You? Again? What do you want?" Maximus frowned, "Julius go talk to Wade if you are only planning on being rude to Peter."

Julius nodded and held Maximus' hands gently, "My sincerest apologies. Peter, you look lovely." He said, with a slight arrogance from before. Peter smiled, "You look quite exquisite as well,"

Suddenly a shadow had been cast over him, "You look magnificent. Did you find yourself something to eat?" Peter turned quickly to see his master.

Wade wore a yellow and red ensemble, fitted together for him specifically. You could see the craftsmanship and how it made every part of his master seemed to be featured it its own way.

Peter shook his head, "I just arrived. Where is-". Wade had cut him off by grabbing Peters hand and walking quickly, "Let's get you something to eat, then we can find whatever you want."

Peter smiled fondly and followed wade to the dining area. Wade poured him a glass of the finest wine and gathered a bowl of various delicacies. "Eat," Wade said bluntly.

Wade then looked down, a slight pink tint to his cheeks, "Perhaps I could take you out to the lake behind the castle. It has a wonderful view of the night sky. We could go when the event starts getting dull."

Peter held his breath," actually I was hoping to ask something of you master Wilson. If I could please spend time with Maximus and Julius. I will be back late for your night routine and I will be escorted by two gladiators so I will stay safe."

Wade frowned, "Why?" Peter looked down, "well-" Wade places his thumb on Peter's jaw, tilting his head back, "Maintain eye contact if you are requesting something. It is considered rude if you neglect to look at me." Peter nodded, swallowing his saliva harshly,

He took a deep breath and stared into the pools that were his master's eyes. Two gorgeous oceans calmly swaying below his brow bones. He shook his head, "Maximus had asked me to go on a quick outing with him and Julius,"

Wade made a face,'Julius mentioned thinking it was a date?' He thought to himself. Wade knew Julius. This man was his best friend. He also knew the not exactly minute detail that his best friend was in love with Maximus.

He chuckled at the realization that Julius' brain stopped functioning and likely misread the situation like a date, rather than hanging out with more than just Maximus.

"Alright. I'll see you 10 minutes before my scheduled night routine." He said softly. Peter smiled widely and skipped off to talk to Maximus. Wade was smiling on the outside to appease Peter. But he wasn't happy. He wanted Peter. He wasn't afraid to admit it to himself anymore. He wanted Peter.

Peter ran over to Maximus and Julius. He fawned over Julius. The 6'3 hunk of handsome that was Julius. He seemed so mysterious and wonderful. He seemed so tough on the outside physically and mentally, but he wanted to discover the mystery of what was on the inside. He wanted Julius.

Julius' eyes glazed over the smaller man in front of him. He was upset. He thought this could have been a special date. A special moment between him and Maximus. Something that could've finally gotten their relationship started. He cared about Maximus. How kind and generous he was. How pure he was. He wanted Maximus.

Maximus eyes were glued to someone from across the room. Wade. He had been staring at and wanting Wade for what seemed like years. Only if he had only joined the gladiator team a year and a half ago. Wade seemed so tough on the outside, but he knew he was kind. And the way he treated Peter only proved that. It made his heart melt. He wanted Wade.
Heyyyy... sorry for not updating for like... 5 months. I know I totally suck and I'm sorry. Like I've said time and time again. This was my first year of high school and it was so hard on me. I was struggling a lot and managed to bring my grades up as much as I could. And I'm happy with how I finished the year, however it put me under a lot of stress which is why I did not update as much as I would have liked to. But the school year is over now and it is summer so thank god. I'm exhausted, to be honest. I will still be in summer classes to help prepare me for the next school year but I will hopefully still be able to update. Thank you!


1125 words

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