Chapter 6

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Quick shout out to JazzWarriors4545 for helping me come up with this chapter! I've been having massive writers block and it was nice to have one of my 2 best internet friends help me out! She's amazing at coming up with hooks and different scenarios!
3rd Person POV
  Peter awoke the next morning to the welcoming and pleasurable scent known as maple syrup. He walked down to the kitchen. He entered the room and widened his eyes to not only the room and wide Renee his eyes to not only the 2 large stack of chocolate chip pancakes drenched in maple syrup, but to the batter covered man that stood next to them.

  Peter giggled which caused the blonde to direct his attention to the smaller. Peter walked over to wade and pointed at one of the pancake stacks,"for me?" Wade blushed lightly and nodded.

  Peter took his stack and put them on the table. He quickly ate them and sighed. He had managed to get syrup all over his face like a small minor would. Wade chuckled, handing Peter a napkin. Peter wiped his face. Most of it came off, but the sticky residue remained.

  Peter walked into the pantry and began stuffing his mouth with a variety of unhealthy foods. Frosting and sprinkles coated the outside of his mouth which was filled with Oreos and goldfish. Wade glanced at Peter with a concerned look in his eye,"um... Peter maybe you should take a break... you just ate about 15 pancakes."

  Peter growled,"are you calling me fat?!" Wade laughed and snorted,"no! You my sweet love child are a stick." Peter huffed and crossed his arms,"Am not mr steroid man." Wade put his hand on his chest and gasped over dramatically,"I'll have you know that I am not on steroids."

  Peter sighed and leaned against the wall. He had been putting this off since he had been raped. "Wade can I talk to you about a few things?" Wade nodded. Peter walked over to his velvet couch and sat down. Wade took a seat next to the brunette.

  Peter sighed,"wade I don't know how to word this in a way that won't make me sound absolutely insane... but, I'm pregnant." Wades jaw dropped and he laughed. Peters face remained serious,"what's funny about that? I'm serious..." Wade looked at Peter. Still stifling his laugh. "Is that even possible?" Peter sighed,"something else I should tell you."

  Wade nodded,"I'm listening." Peter sighed,"um.... I am transgender... I was born a girl. Hannah Bethany stark. As I grew older I found myself wanting to be male, so I became Peter Benjamin Parker. My parents had supported me 100%. Luckily my parents didn't want me to be famous like them at such a young age, and so I was hid away from the paparazzi."

  Wade nodded, finding himself quite intrigued with the story. "When I was 13 and I had already become male they allowed me to be a billionaire son celebrity, but that's not the point. The point is that when I became of age I got a surgery. I was given male genitalia, and I thought they removed all female organs, and they tried, but not well enough."

  "I have my vital female organs which are my ovaries and my uterus." Wade smiled and kissed Peter,"another reason to love you even more." Peter blushed and laughed,"wade I have more news though... it's- it's not good..." wade frowned,"yes?" Peter looked at the ground,"its Johnny's kid."

  Wades eyes widened and twitches,"what?!" Peter sighed,"he raped me... his sperm cells went and intertwined with my egg cells..." Peter kissed wade with a nervous laugh to try and break the silence. Wade pulled Peter close,"I have never felt a reason to be so protective of you..."

  Peter giggled. Wade sighed,"Peter you are my boyfriend... it is my job to take care of not only you, but this child. Peter smiled,"thankyou..." Peter stood up,"nap or get working on the baby room?" Wade sighed,"I'll go get paint..." Peter smiled,"get diapers, a crip, a bouncer, a pacifier, bottles, and a mobile too!" Wade laughed nervously and nodded.

  He grabbed his car keys and drove to the Home Depot. Peter drove to target to get toys and stencils. He looked on his phone for unisex designs. He put head phones on and listened to a song from one of his favorite musicals.

I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall
I could stay right here or disappear, and nobody'd even notice at all

I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone
But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly, or pretend to check a text on my phone

Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair
Now through no fault of mine, there's no other half there

Now I'm just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom, at a party
Forget how long it's been
I'm just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party
No you can't come in!
I'm waiting it out 'til it's time to leave
And picking at grout as I softly grieve
I'm just Michael who you don't know, Michael flyin' solo, Michael in the bathroom by himself
Oh, by himself

I am hiding, but he's out there, just ignoring all our history
Memories get erased, and I'll get replaced, with a newer, cooler version of me
And I hear a drunk girl sing along to Whitney through the door - I wanna dance with somebody!
And my feelings sink, 'cause it makes me think: now there's no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore!

Now it's just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party
I half regret the beers
Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party
As I choke back the tears
I'll wait as long as I need, until my face is dry
Or I'll just blame it on weed, or something in my eye!
I'm just Michael who you don't know, Michael flyin' solo
Michael in the bathroom by himself!"

Peter hummed along to the song. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see a very familiar face
AND THAT IS A WRAP! I hope everyone enjoyed that chapter! Actually I know a few people didn't enjoy mpreg because it was physically impossible, but a few more people wanted mpreg. So I managed to find an actual way for men to get pregnant. So I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Once again special thanks to JazzWarriors4545 for helping me out. If you are wondering what the song Peter is listening to is called, the name of it is 'Michael in the bathroom' this song is amazing! It is from the musical Be More Chill. This musical was introduced to me by once again JazzWarriors4545 !!! Okay, bye!



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