(Chapter 2)

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    Hi guys!!! Ummm, enjoy...
                   Wade's POV
I was humming happily to Meghan Trainers 'All about that base' while eating a chocolate bar that I stole from that bakery when a young teenage looking boy appeared in front of me. He was just staring and his eyebrows were furrowed. I wanted to say something but I couldn't.

I was savoring every last bit of this chocolate. It tasted like heaven, or at least what I assumed heaven would taste like... I know for sure I'm not going there so I will never know. Anyhow, I just waved so I wouldn't have to open my mouth and let any random weird tastes ruin this chocolate. He growled before letting out a sigh and smiling, "hello! My names Peter maybe you recognize me?"

I took a nice look, and he was right. I could recognize him... well sort of. I know I had seen the guy before but I couldn't put my finger on it. Suddenly he dropped a pen from his pocket and bent over to pick it up.

That's when it hit me... 'OH BALLS!!! It's that cutie that owned the bakery I stole from... god he has a nice ass... a nice round bubble gum bum... mmm mmm mmm.... god how sad is it that his ass is the only reason I remember this guy...' "umm hi! My names Wade.. actually I don't remember... sorry..."

He rolled his eyes and groaned before beginning to walk off. I gasped. I couldn't let the most adorable guy just leave... even if he is a teen and I'm 27... ugh... he wouldn't even like me anyway. [YB: look at that the dumbass got something right!!!!] (WB: oh shut up yellow.......)

Wade grumbled at the boxes and grabbed peters wrist and pulled him into his lap. [YB: oh my god Wade... feel that round apple bottom on your thighs... Ahhhh~] Wade felt his 'little friend' grow a bit. He sighed, "sorry... I um... my names Wade Wilson... and you are?" The younger male sighed," Parker, Peter Parker" the boxes came to a sudden halt before white spoke. (WB- h-he just pulled a James Bond on us...) I felt my heart tighten. I felt sick. My life felt like a lifeless black hole. "H-he's perfect..."

[YB- well duh but don't let him know that! And don't tell him you have 'boxes' in your head] I nodded before Peter gave me a strange look. "Who are you talking to?" I gulped, "m-myself?"

  [YB- that's even worse than saying you have boxes] Peter nodded, "alright... but... I wanna ask you something..." I nodded rapidly hoping it was his number or even a date invitation even though I knew I wouldn't be able to do that.

This little cutie clearly had a short temper. "Um... why did you steal from me?" I sighed. 'He's too good to be true' [YB- no he's too good to be ours!] (WB- hes kind of Right wade... Look... behind that beautiful face of his lay a hot-headed innocent angel that's probably never cursed or even had sex!)

  I smiled and ignored the boxes, "I'm sorry did you want some of it?" Peter giggled. 'Oh fuck, I'm going down! That giggle has me on the ground screaming and bleeding... it's so beautiful... just like him'

[YB- wow I never knew Wade could be such a romantic] (WB- well he clearly can) I let out a sharp exhale, "would you like to go on a date with me Mr. Parker?" Peter smiled, "of course Mr. Wilson... and where do you plan to take me?"

My eyes widened for a moment. (WB- HE SAID YES!!!!! YAY!!!) [YB- wow... he actually said yes...] "I... um... perhaps a nice Italian place down the street?" Peter nodded, "all right" Peter took out a pen and wrote something on the back of Wade's forearm. "It's my # call me sometime... okay?" I nodded and put Peter down and ran off.

Peter giggled again leaving my knees weak. I ran to my apartment as fast as I could and ran into my house and immediately added the number to my contacts. I quickly texted him.

Random number- hi!!!!

Random number- hi! Um whose this

Random number- Wade...

Random number-  OH!!! HEY WADE!!! That was a stupid question...

Peter put in Wade's contact and smiled while doing so. Wade did that exact same. The only difference was that he was squealing.

Wade- so anyways... how are you?

Peter- well I just saw you five minutes ago... but I've been doing fine since then... thank you for asking. How about yourself?

Wade, I've been amazing!!!! So um...what time do you want to pick me up?

Peter- well maybe around 7:00- 8:00 I have to do... something... till then!

Wade- alright baby boy...

Both closed the app and turned their phones off. Suddenly Peter heard something at the door. He went to go answer it, but in his heart of hearts.... he knew who it was... and he should have told Wade by now...
Should Peter have a son? If so everyone comments down a son that I can use for the book and you will be one of the future SPIDEYPOOL children!!!

Btw this is technically a contest

888 words

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