Chapter 4

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Hey! I've been reading the book Bruce wolf x rose wolf by KierstenKarnes lately and it is such an amazing and well written book... please, feel free to go ahead and read it!
                                                               3rd person

  Wade was asleep with a deadpool comic over his face. Jhonny walked in and growled at Wade,"little shit..." Jhonny walked down stairs and spotted Peter eating lunch alone and he ran to his side,"hey Peter!" Peter smiled,"hello Jhonny..." Peter wondered 'He isn't acting like much of a perv' Jhonny smiled,"what's a cutie like you doing here all alone?" Peter laughed,"Wade was supposed to meet me, but I guess he over slept." Jhonny nodded getting annoyed,"so Peter do you like anyone? You know... fair skinned.... lovely personality.... loves... death..." Peter nodded,"yeah... he's so hot too.... Wade..." Jhonny growled,"he's a senior... your a freshman." Peter shrugged,"i like older guys." Jhonny nodded pulling out a recorder,"Peter I am a senior too." Peter nodded,"but Wade is sweet and has stubble and it's hot..." Jhonny growled,"I could have stubble."

  The conversation went on for a while before Peter got up and started bringing a plate of pancakes to Wade's room. Jhonny followed in annoyance and swore to himself he would have Peter.

  Peter lightly shook the one he wished was his ,"Wade..." Wade grumbled and sat up and the book slid down his tired face,"what?" Peter sighed,"I thought you wanted to meet up for breakfast." Wade shook his head,"what?! Oh my god Peter I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!" Peter sighed handing wade the plate of pancakes drizzled in Nutella,"it's fine..." Wade shook his head,"it's not... what do you want baby boy... I'll get you anything..." Peter blushed a dark red at his new nickname which he loved oh so much. "Can we go to the beach around 6?" Wade nodded hugging Peter,"i couldn't dream of anything better..."

  Later that day around 12 they went to go see a radioactive spider exhibit. Peter and wade were separated for a moment. While Wade was trying to find the loveable dork, Peter was staring at the spiders. He squeaked and rubbed his neck and Wade rushed to his aid,"what's wrong?" Peter huffed,"i think something bit me." Wade bit his lip,"we should get a teacher." Peter shook his head,"It's nothing."

  The two continued their day enjoying each others presence. Around 6 Peter and Wade had changed into their swim trunks and had decided on going surfing together. They took a few lessons and had fun giggling and playing around with each other. Around 8 the sun started setting and Peter sat in front of wade in front of the tide. "Wade..." Wade looked down,"yeah?" Peter sighed,"I like you..." Wade chuckled,"okay I like you too sport!" Peter shook his head,"I want to be your boyfriend Wade." Wade stared,"oh... wow... um..." Peter nodded,"okay I get it... your not interested..."

  Peter got up and began walking away feeling like complete shit. Wade stared for a moment. Not fully comprehending what had just happened. He got up and started running towards Peter. He stood next to Peter and pecked his cheek and picked him up, carrying him on his shoulders. Peter squealed and held onto Wade tightly. Wade chuckled,"how much do you weigh?!" Peter giggled and blushed,"115 lbs" Wade stared,"well damn... I weigh 180" Peter laughed,"but that's because you have big... strong... muscles..."

  They giggled and chuckled and eventually got back to the hotel. Wade ruffled Peters hair and smiled,"see you tomorrow Petey" Peter blushed lightly,"see you tomorrow"

  Jhonny followed Peter that night,"managing to find a way to get in... why? So he could watch Peter sleep. To make sure he had sweet dreams. To be sure he was safe. He Inspected Peters body, seeing knife marks on his neck,"Harley...."

  He growled and found her knife. Harley was in the tub washing herself. Jhonny grinned maliciously and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. He tied a gag around her mouth and shoved an orange in their so she couldn't make noise. He stabbed her in the chest, dragging it down. He let the water drain and plugged the drain back in before he kept stabbing her in the stomach and chest leaving slits, and holes in her body. Soon enough her body was drained of blood and the tub was filled with it. He grinned and walked to the mirror and smeared the blood on his face and he walked to Peter and took Harley's key card and kissed Peters head, and he walked out.

  He walked to the garden and lit his cigar and grinned,"mm... now she is dead. And now she can't hurt my baby. My precious little baby. Next is Wade. I will kill everyone in my path. I will have Peter's heart. No matter how I achieve it." He couldn't stop. He dropped to the ground and laughed maniacally. He cleaned the knife along with everything he touched. He yawned and walked upstairs.

  Wade snored quietly, not knowing of the murderer that slept beside him.
I hope everyone enjoyed that chapter! I love you All! Thank you so much for 20k! I love you guys.... mwah... kisses... more kissies.... kiss... kiss kiss kiss...


902 words

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