Chapter 3

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                               3rd POV
  Wade arose the next morning. He turned to see his future wife's pale face. Still stained with makeup from the night before.
Wade felt guilty rush to his face, for all he saw was the small, frail, 26 year old boy he yearned to be with. Wade softly muttered something before ascending off of the bed. He walked into the bathroom and peered into the mirror.

  He smiled at the young blonde man that stared back at him. He then lifted his shirt to stare at the tattoo that appeared on top of his 6 and slowly forming 8 pack. They myths were true. No mind could over power the strong bond that the tattoos had created. And once the tattoos were there it was impossible for them to be erased out of existence. Lazer tattoo removal only singed the skin around the tattoo. Other methods did the same thing.

  Wade groaned softly and brushed his teeth. After doing so, he took a brisk shower. He dressed himself in a dress shirt, along with black dress pants. He descended down the flight of stairs that led downstairs, and made 3 stacks of pancakes. He quickly ate one. He left the second for Vanessa. He packed the third in a container and walked to work.

  Once Wade arrived Angelica told him to her to Peter's office. Wade stood straight and perked up upon hearing about getting to spend yet another day with Peter. Wade strutted down the hall and opened the door to see his beloved baby boy. Peter had messy, I tangled hair. Scratches and scars covering the parts of him that were exposed. He looked cold and as if he had been trembling in fear for hours. Wade was positive he hadn't left the young boy looking like that. So why had he looked like that now?

  Wade ruffled Peter's hair. Peter whimpered and looked up at Wade. His bangs covering his glossy brown eyes. Concerned filled Wade almost immediately,"Peter what's wrong? Did you eat? Why are you scarred? How di-" Wade was cut off by the smaller wrapping his arms around him.

  Wade was only able to hear Peter's soft, quiet sobs. Peter looked as if he had been trying to speak, but was choking on almost every word. Wade managed to make our a few words that he could easily put together. Three words...  'Johnny', 'Rape', and 'I'

  Peter whimpered and held his throat. From what Wade could gather, Peter was raped by Johnny. The scars indicated there were whips, dildos, hand cuffs, ropes, chains, and even cock rings involved. Peter lost his voice so obviously he had been screaming. Who wouldn't scream....?

  Wade did what he could by hugging and trying to soothe the younger with his voice. "Don't worry." Wade would whisper. Wade looked around,"is there anything that could make you feel better? Peter I would do anything to make you happy. Peter if you want I will moon the fucking president. (Definition of mooning is located below) Peter wanted just one thing, person rather, in his life that would bring him happiness,"you" Peter whispered.

  The response had been quiet, but to Wade it was loud and clear,"you want me?" Peter nodded slowly,"I-I really didn't want to be a home wrecker, but dammit Wade I am in love with you. Have been since highschool. Wade stared in shock,"done..." He said softly,"tomorrow... The only people in the picture will be you and I. No Vanessa. No Johnny. Just us. We will grow old together. Have children. We will live a perfect life."
                       8:00 9 hours later
  Wade took Vanessa out to a lovely gourmet restraunt. Normally he would swing for 'Taco Bell' or 'Chipotle', but he honestly did feel awful for doing this to Vanessa. Never had he ever been so committed to a person that he proposed to them. Vanessa's face lit up as she talked about the plans she had already made for the wedding. This made it even harder for Wade. "Vanessa..." he began,"I love you... I really do, but I-" Vanessa's smile became a look of genuine concern,"you what..." Wade sighed,"I think that it would be best if we were to go our separate ways."

  The color from Vanessa's face drained out. "Y-your joking right?" Her voice cracked as her eyes began to swell with tears. Wade shook his head with a heavy sigh,"I'm afraid I have ever fallen for another." Vanessa cried quietly, not knowing how to respond,"f-fine!" She choked up. "It's over... but I'll have you know..."

The definition of mooning-

The act of bearing ones anus to a party as a sign of defiance.


Is Vanessa pregnant?

Does she know about PETER?

Or is she just a depressed gal?

Idk... I haven't written the next chapter don't ask me...

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