(Chapter 6)strip poker and truth or dare...

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Wow, guys, we are so close to 300 I'm so thankful and happy and thank y'all so much
                      9:15 A.M.
Wade's POV
Peter was sleeping at my apartment for the night since his parents were on some sort of sexual spree they were doing it everywhere even peters room. I sat on the edge of the bed staring at Peter sound asleep with his silky brown hair ruffled and in tussles.

He mumbled every now and then in his sleep but I didn't mind. It was adorable anyway. I walked to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth avoiding any contact with the mirror. Even if Peter loved it hated my scarred face. It was horrifying, there were even times when Peter got upset with me and I cried my self to sleep thinking it was because of my scars.

I finished brushing my teeth and went downstairs to make Peter my "signature" pancakes. By the time I was finished Peter was already in the kitchen his mouth practically begging for the sweet sensation. I put a stack of ten pancakes on his plate and put them in front of Peter and spilled the syrup all over the fluffy heaven.

Peter grabbed his knife and fork and took a piece of the pancake and ate it quickly. I chuckled as peters eyes began to sparkle like he was just run over by unicorns and was stabbed in the heart by a rainbow. He quickly gobbled down the rest of the pancake and hugged me tightly. I smiled and patted peters back causing him to burp. "Those pancakes were fucking delicious!"

I laughed and mimicked his father, "language!" He rolled his eyes and planted a sweet and sticky kiss on my lips. I kissed back without even thinking and wrapped my arms around Peter.

He sighed, "I should go take a shower" I smirked, "how about I join you?~" he blushed madly and shook his head, "no Wade! You probably carry a vibrator with you 24/7 and even if you didn't this is YOUR apartment!"

I chuckled at the embarrassing comment and nodded, "understandable" Peter rolled his eyes and left. I thought for a moment when's he gonna realize that he didn't bring any clothes to my place... Peter yelled, "AW SHIT!" I smiled and he has now noticed...

I ate my breakfast and sat on the couch and turned on the TV and started to watch supernatural. I made some popcorn and was snuggled up in a blanket with a knife and a flashlight and 2 bags of salt at this point and Peter was begging me to stop watching. A couple of times I even accused Peter of being a demon.

Every time he just flicked the back of my head and put something away.
A few hours later around 9:30 P.M.
Still Wade's POV
I was starting to get bored and turned off the TV looking back at Peter. He looked up at me and smiled. I smirked, "Petey wanna play truth or dare?" He laughed but nodded and walked over to me and sat in my lap and asked, "truth or dare Wade?" I smiled and thought for a moment, "dare"

he looked around and saw a few plates holding at least 50-70 chimichangas all together. "Eat all of those chimichangas" I crinkled my nose, "cmon pick something dirty" Peter sighed and thought, "I dare you to give me a lap dance~" my eyes opened as the lust and tension began.
Wade's POV
At this point, we were beyond drunk and we're doing crazy out of the ordinary things. "Strip poker~!" Peter shouted. I was stripped down to my boxers and Peter was wearing a maids outfit. I nodded quickly and we started to play.
4:00 A.M.
Wade's POV
It was early morning and I and Peter were butt naked right in front of each other but were beyond too drunk to even notice. We wobbled over to the bedroom and fell on the bed and passed out in each other's arms.
Alright, I hope you enjoyed that chapter I'm so so so sorry that this was also a short chapter and I swear I'm trying very hard to keep up with all of my other books and this one but it's hard to come up with ideas now... Please, I'm begging you it would be amazing if you could just leave some ideas in the comments section thank you so much!

758 words

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