Chapter like 76 or 4 or 3 i dont remember....(chapter 4...i think)

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Okay soooo wait nvm 😂❤️  I was gonna say something but I don't know what it was! Oh wait I just realized...idk why but I always imagined Tony as the dominant one of the two lovers... The two lovers being Steve and Tony of course
                     Peter'S POV
It has been 3 months since Wade and I have started dating and my parents still don't know a thing. I could tell that Wade was starting to feel guilty thinking that maybe just maybe he was tearing me and my parents apart. I then thought I'm 23 I have been gay since well as long as I can remember It's time for me to come out of the damn closet... "Wade...?" He shot a quick look at me, "yes Petey?" I sighed, "it's time to tell my parents I'm gay."

  His eyes had nothing but pure shock in them, "they don't know?!?!?! Peter wtf????" I jumped back a little."I- I know I'm so s-sorry Wade..." He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "It's alright Peter."

  He traced ovals into my back and rested his head on my shoulder. "I just wish that you told them sooner." I nodded nuzzling my face into his neck and I jumped up and grabbed my bag. "I'm gonna tell em now Wade!" I kissed his cheek and ran off. Wade chuckled and nodded letting me run carefree into a tree while I was facing him.

  I screamed, "FUCK!" He fell onto the ground laughing as hard as he could wiping away tears. I growled but got up and walked to the stark tower.
                      Steve'S POV
I shuffled over a bit and fell off the bed. "OW...Tony!" I whined quietly. All I could hear was my husbands laughs as he walked into the bedroom and picked me up gently cradling me in his loving arms. He chuckles under his breath, "too cute." I smiled and put my hand on his well-toned chest."Tony baby where's your shirt?" He grinned evilly, "I threw it somewhere~"

I giggled and jumped out of his arms. I walked downstairs being followed by a pouting Tony and put together a small meal. I quickly ate and turned around to see Tony stripped of his pants causing my face to turn 50 shades of red. "T-TONY?!" He laughed and smiled, "what?~" I shoved my face in my arms and coughed. "S-so what do y-you wanna do f-for h-Halloween???"

  He lifted me up and sat me in his lap. "Hmm, I don't know..." I blushed again, "how about a simple theme like pirates or something!" I sighed and thought for a moment no way he could make that sound dirty! Tony did nothing but smile as he licked my neck causing me to shiver, "alright Stevey but if your gonna stick your sword in someone you might as well stick it in me~.

  I blushed hard at the dirty comment and bit my lip as Tony ran his hand over my crotch. Suddenly Peter walked through with nothing but seriousness written across his face. Tony whined, "Peter can't it wait..." He looked at him, "no it really can't..." I nodded and tried to get up till Tony pulled me back down, "hey just because our son cock blocked us right now doesn't mean we can't have fun later~."

  I jumped off and ran to Peter. "P-Peter what is it? Take as long as you need to tell us whatever it is that you need to tell us..." Peter nodded, "I'm well I don't know how to say this....I'm well I'm coming out of the closet." I looked up, "excuse me?" He then restated with a clearer voice," I'm well I'm gay!" He panted heavily with pure fear in his voice.

  I broke out into a burst of laughter with Tony causing nothing but a confused face," oh Peter we knew you were gay since you were 3 and asked for a pink dress!" A light pink danced across peters face. "W-what?" I let Tony speak, "Peter you do know that you never actually "cleared" the internet history right?"

  I wiped away my tears of laughter and hugged Peter. "We are so proud of you for finally telling us" Peter nodded, "a-and my boyfriend..." Tony's head popped up with anger in his eyes, "boyfriend???" Peter nodded, "I-it may be...." He mumbled quietly. Tony shouted a bit, "Peter again!"

  I looked at our cowering son as he said it aloud, "my boyfriend is...Deadpool" I looked back as I saw Tony pass out. I looked at Peter, "run Peter just for an hour or so just so he can cool off." I watched Peter nodded as he ran off.

  I sighed and gave Tony a quick kiss and walked away till he grabbed my ankle. He mumbled," I will let Peter get an hour head start if you get rid of my horniness right now~. I blushed and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed. He smirked walking to the bedroom with me.
Y'all have been so patient since I have been on a cruise and stuff. Thank you!

871 Words!

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