Chapter 7

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3rd person POV
A new day. It was the day after the party. At least... Maximus was pretty sure. He sat up slowly and looked around. This wasn't his room. It didn't look familiar to him in the slightest. His room had a red arched ceiling with gold trim. Julius had designed it so that the walls were covered in his favorite paintings.

It wasn't Julius' room either. His room was so large it had large, wooden gates to separate the different sectors of the room. There was a separate living room and his bed was small. The bed he found himself in was massive.

The room he was in currently had glass cabinets and long pillars in every corner. Vines covered in roses stemmed down the walls and rather than being covered IN paintings, the room he was in was painted entirely by artists he'd adored. He stood slowly to let his eyes graze over the scenery. He groaned, his head pounding violently.

Maximus stumbled out the wooden door in front of him, only to find himself in an even bigger room. Considering how this had also been separated into sectors, he could easily infer the room was that of a gladiator. But which one?

He walked through the rest of the room. His eyes widened when he saw the massive spiral staircase. How big was this place? Was it it's own building. He'd surely hoped it wasn't his bosses. But who else's could it be. He eventually found himself in what he thought was a bathroom? At the end of the room was a large, silver plated armor set, with black detailing engraved in. He knew that armor... why was he in Wade's room?

His head throbbed violently. When he glanced in his mirror he'd found he looked awful. His blonde curls covered his face partially. He was clearly hungover. He and Peter had a lot of fun the other night. Did he... actually sleep with Wade? Like really truly have the opportunity to not only fuck him- but even if he didn't... did he sleep beside him?

He looked down. He was still clothed. So that eliminated the first part of his theory. But even then, why was he in Wade's room? He felt like the room was spinning the further he moved. His stomach felt like it was churning. As if the world around him were an optical illusion the walls blending together fluidly, the paintings swirling with one another to create a horrible cascade until he heard a low,"Maximus" behind him.

He spun around and looked up to see Julius stood there, glaring down at him. Suddenly the nausea turned to fear as the room stopped spinning and goosebumps sprinkled along his once smooth skin. Julius brought Maximus in close, holding him to his chest,"fucking dumbass." He muttered under his breath,"are you okay?" Maximus nodded slowly, curls bouncing.

"Yeah... but why are we in Wade's room?" He asked curiously. Julius frowned, throat clenching tightly,"right. Last night, you and Peter got a little too drunk. You thought it would be funny to dress like eachother and take advantage of Wade and I while we, ourselves were a little tipsy." He shook his head.
The night of the party. Peter had pounded down more than he -or his liver- could handle. He took Maximus' hand. They had had their drinks together. But as two shorties who hadn't even been able to eat full meals before this lifestyle, they were both extreme lightweights. After only a full glass, maybe two, they both could barely stand.

Peter had spun Maximus onto the dance floor. Both in a giggling fit as they spun around holding one another. Julius and Wade smiling at them fondly. How they adored their little cuties. Maximus rested his head on Peter's shoulder as he closed his eyes, falling tired.

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