Should I write a new story? And updates on the spideypool story

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  Hey guys, it's been a while. I know I haven't written anything in over a year but in all honesty, though I still ship Spideypool and think they make a cute ship, I don't think I'm as committed in the sense I am unsure if I want to keep writing about them. If you have been a fan for a while then I would appreciate your input on whether or not you'd support me writing a new story about a completely different couple so I can learn and explore what I want. The story will likely be well rounded in the sense it will contain LGBTQ and straight couples but I doubt it will be about preexisting ships.

Updates on the spideypool story. As of now I'm thinking of only writing one more chapter to finish off the story. Thankyou for being part of this journey. I love you all!

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