Chapter 2

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Sorry it's been so long. I've been quite busy with homework and tests. I've been trying to get this bag I really wanted and I had to study so I'd get 100s in all of my tests. And I did. 9 100s and my dad got the bag. I have it now and I can focus my time on the book.
                           3rd POV
  Peter woke up. The sun blissfully kissed his skin and fresh breeze blew by his face. Peter groaned a bit and rolled off his bed. He looked at his clock which red in big bold green letters,

  '11:00 A.M.' Peter screamed, realizing he was 2 hours late for work. After learning Wade was going to get married to Vanessa he drank. A lot. Bottles filled his bedroom. He forgot to set his alarm. The scream rang in his ears causing a dreadful pain. Peter drowsily walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and put on deodorant before changing and bolting down the stairs and out of his house. Peter opened his car and attempted to start it. It wouldn't work and so he ran to work. Peter began panting and getting tired at about 5 blocks from his home. He ran though, all the way.

  Upon arrival everyone greeted him and smiled telling Peter that since he wasn't there he had to show the new recruit around the building. Peter groaned and walked up to his office. He opened the door only to see a familiar pair of ocean blue eyes. "Wade? You're the new recruit?" Wade chuckled,"Yup! But you are here at least so it won't be boring." Peter squeezed his eyes shut at the pain he felt once Wade shouted. Peter let out a large groan and sighed. Wade made a face,"Peter... have you been drinking???" Wade was fully aware and well knew the effects of drinking. In particular, hangovers. Peter nodded,"mhm" Peter sat down and put his head on his desk.

  Wade sighed and ruffled Peters hair,"I'm going to go down real quick." Peter nodded and did computer work. Wade smiled and walked down stairs and began mixing ingredients in the blender. He put it in a non see through cup so Peter wouldn't get sicker from seeing the putrid green colour. Wade walked upstairs and handed to Peter. Peter sniffed it and made a face at Wade. Wade chuckled at the adorable face Peter made,"hangover remedy.... I learned how to make it since me and Vanessa are alcoholics,"Recently we were able to get control. We don't get that drunk anymore. You on the other hand... is it maybe the 3rd time you have drank?" Peter sighed,"2nd"

  Wade smiled,"then that's a better reason for you to drink." Peter nodded and drank the disgusting smoothie,"ew... it tastes like mint and banana" wade nodded,"sorry Petey, but you gotta drink it all... or you won't get better until tomorrow." Peter nodded and chugged the rest. A few hours later Peter felt better. He had fallen asleep in Wade's arms. Wade looked at Peter and thought about Vanessa. He loved Peter, but he couldn't bear to hurt Vanessa.

  "Peter... your tearing me life apart..." Wade whispered and smiled at Peter's sweet sleeping face. Peter groaned softly and turned. Johnny appeared at Peter's office building and asked for him. Angelica smiled at her two sisters Peggy and Eliza,"Mr Parker and his trainee are upstairs" Peggy shouted with a giggle. Johnny made a face and walked upstairs and opened the door and gasped to the sight he saw.

  The love of his life in the arms of a jock.... why? Wade smiled,"hey Johnny. Long time no see..." Johnny growled,"what have you done... he's putty in your hands now... I was so close... everything I would have done to just be alone with him.... for even a few seconds.... and no matter what else happened after that... I would be so happy.... but you took him from me... with not even lifting a finger... I spent countless amounts of money on him. And you didn't give him anything..."

Wade stared,"I'm sorry... I had no idea that you felt that way. You can have Peter... I'm sorry" Johnny cried softly,"it's too late...." he ran off and Wade sighed,"awww shit.... so much for my first day at this new job... well maybe one thing good happened..." Wade smiled down at his sleeping angel and pecked Peters for head before stroking and petting his hair. So soft and silky.... his eyes... sweet pure chocolate with small drops and sprinkles of caramel. His skin. Smooth and blissful. Pale. Like winter snow.

  Just then Wade's phone erupted with calls and texts from Vanessa. Wade picked up to hear the screams of his worried wife. Asking and wondering why he was so late from work. Wade cleared everything up. Leaving out small details like Peter and his cuddle fest... Wade smiled at peter and drove him home after waking him up countless amounts of times to figure out his address. Wade dropped Peter off and got the keys from Peters pocket and put Peter in bed before letting himself out. He drove home and told Vanessa he and Peter were at the bar and he had to drop off the drunk little boy scout.

Vanessa, Wade, and Peter were now sound asleep. But Johnny was plotting... he needed Peter. Even if it meant rape and torture.
I HOPE EVERY ONE ENJOYED THAT CHAPTER I WORKED REALLY HARD ON TRYING TO MAKE THIS A GOOD ONE. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! NIGHTTTTT MY LITTLE LOVE BUGS! That was so bad. I promise I'll never do that again. I'm sorry. But I do love you all. G'night ya wee lasses. Naw... I like wee asses more... I'm a fellow wee ass.... heh... wee... heh... asssssss..... JACK! Omfg...... wade.... is so sexy and beautiful and I love him and ND AGGGGGHHHHHHHH

1001 words

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