Chapter 4

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ALSO: PLEASE GO FOLLOW Eleanor_Wilson (this is my other account,)
3rd person POV
Peter stumbles down the stairs, still wearing the garment from the previous night. A royal purple with golden accents on the back and near the ends, creating smooth and elegant designs on the already magnificent ensemble.  The outfit was well- fitted on his body. It smoothed out along his curves and suited his body type.

  He carried in his hands, a massive stack of fairly- large books. The stack piling so high it covered his face. He walked forward a few paces before crashing into something. A soft grunt was audibly heard from the other side of the books.

  A deep, rage filled voice spoke, his voice raising with every word"Excuse me? What kind of an idiot-" A smaller voice spoke,"Julius. It's fine... it was an accident."

  A short dirty blonde man who appeared to be a bit younger than his 20s stood next to a built Latino man who was clearly a man. Peter,
who had never seen nor met the best friends, was clearly intimidated by them. Especially the muscular man that glared down at him. He picked up the books, before turning to face the shorter- and less intimidating- of the two.

  "I- I am so sorry. It was completely an accident." The taller man, stared at Peter for a moment before backing up slowly. His voice suddenly shaking, exhibiting more fear than the anger previously seen. "No, no. I'm sorry for calling you an idiot. Please. Don't tell your master."

  The blonde hid behind the more built of the two. "We are really sorry for bumping into you." He whimpered. Peter stared, were people scared of wade? If they were, that meant they would stay away from him.

  Peter took the books and walked over to Wade's room. He kicked the door, only enough to make noise. His hands weren't readily available to his use.

  Wade opened the door, immediately taking the books from Peter,"What are you doing? You can't carry all of these yourself, you should have asked for help." He continued rambling about Peters safety for a few minutes until Peter interrupted,"Do you care about me?" He stared at Wade.

  Wade hesitated for a moment,
not knowing what nor how to respond. He then looked away,"N-no!" He glared at Peter,"I just don't want my slave getting hurt over some dusty old books." Peter nodded,"Yes master."

  Peter looked down, holding his breath,"Those were the books you asked for." Wade stared,"I thought I asked for two?" Peter felt his face heat up for a moment,"Maybe the others were for me..." his voice trailed off into an awkward silence.

  Wade let out a warm smile,"oh Peter." He chuckled and helped Peter carry the rest to his room. Peter smiled,"Thankyou master." He nodded,"What kind of books did you pick out Peter?"

  Peter smiled,"Books about fighting. Getting in the ring." He smiled,"thought I'd read about it if I'm never gonna be in it myself." Wade frowned a bit as he watched Peter take the books and place them in the bookcase,"You know Peter, I could teach you one day."

  Peter smiled,"Thankyou... but master, may I ask you something?" Wade nodded. Peter hummed as he started tucking the other books in any remaining spots he could find. "Is everyone scared of you? Even the other gladiators?"

  Wade frowned,"I guess a lot of the people here fear me. I was never really 'nice'." Peter smiled,"You are awfully kind to me." Wade smiled,"Well, I grew fond of you." Peter smiled,"I ran into a few gladiators earlier."

  Wades eyes widened,"What? Did they harm you? You should've told me." Peter sighed,"They didn't hurt me. They were scared of me. Well. You." Wade nodded,"they thought that I would hurt them if they harmed you. What did they look like?" Peter looked down,"one was more tan. Black hair. Tall. Built. The other short darker blonde. Thinner."
Wade sighed,"Julius and Maximus. Don't worry. I wouldn't let them touch you."

  Peter felt his face turning red,"O-oh?" Wade turned away,"I- I should be going." Peter nodded, allowing him to leave.

  Outside of the room Julius was sitting on the ground of the main comfort area, watching Maximus play with his sword (*cough* *cough* that's what she said *cough* *cough*) The room had wood walls and had a dark blood red aesthetic. At the front of the room was a massive fireplace with a bears decapitated head over it.

  Peter walked over, frowning as they both carried the same fear filled expression. Maximus handed Julius back his sword and sat behind him. Peter sighed,"you don't have to be scared of me you know."

  Julius stood up and grinned maliciously,"You think I am scared of you? Hell no." Peter twitched,"But you are scared of Wade." Julius grinned,"I am not scared of my best friend."

  Maximus grabbed Julius' wrist,"Go to your room Julius." Julius looked back at him,"but-" "Go to your room Julius!" Peter saw the burning rage in Julius' eyes tone down. The devilish grin he wore, turned into a warm smile towards Maximus.

  Julius sighed,"Will you at least be joining me?" Maximus smiled,"In a bit. I would like to talk to Peter." Julius sighed,"Fine but if he hurt-" "Go!" Julius nodded and walked to his room.

  Maximus hummed,"I was also a slave, but Julius pitied me. I'm Maximus by the way! Nice to meet you!" Peter smiled and shook Maximus' hand,"Julius is very attractive... is he... single?"
  Hey everyone, I'm really sorry for the long wait. I'm going to be honest. Highschool is really hard and stressful, and I actually have had week long breaks but I was being lazy.

  I always pre write my chapters on paper and then edit them as I am typing them out on wattpad. So I actually have had this chapter written for months, I just was too lazy to edit and type it out. The reason I can't ask someone to type it is because I edit while I type. It's my own authenticity. ♥️🖤♥️.

Any how. I am very sorry for the long wait. I love all of you!!!

1062 words

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