New story... (Chapter 1)

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Okay, so I turned this into a really long one-shot book... The first one is done... The second one starts right now... Be aware this is a no power AU one shot... Suggested by ryanreynoldsbutt and also I would like to apologize for not updating in so long and I am so grateful for 2k and I seem ungrateful for not updating this chapter yesterday but I was very busy with homework and studying for tests... I had nothing to do but that yesterday and I finished it all at 10:00 P.M! And I started at 5:00 P.M.!!! And I just finished my homework right now!!! At 9:00!!! P.M.!!!

Oh and same rules as last time...

Words in " is what the character is saying

Words in 'are what the character is thinking

(WB) represents the calm... Common sense part of Wade

[YB] represents the reckless crazed fuck boy part of Wade
Peter's POV
I had to admit... It was quite ambitious of me to purchase and work a bakery just to prove a friend right... But it'll be fine... Yeah... It'll be fine... I smiled as I heard the bell ring signifying that someone had walked inside. A young girl walked inside of the bakery.

She seemed like she was the age of a high school student... Around 16 or 18. Red vibrant hair and sparkling green eyes were full of hope. She was quite tall at least compared to me. I'm 5'4 but I'm 23. I looked like a middle school student!

My parents Tony and Steve stark said I was too old to be living with them and so I kind of just left and purchased an apartment and lived there for a while. Eventually, I ran out of money and so my friend bet me that I couldn't buy and run a bakery all on my own, so I wanted to prove her wrong and I did just that.

Luckily my parents loved the idea of me running a small business and sent me a portion of the money I needed. I just realized that I had been staring at the girl for a while now and finally said something, "hello! My name is Peter May I help assist you today?"

She looked over at me and nodded before walking up to the counter," Hello Peter! Do you have a small cheesecake that I could buy?" I nodded," three different kinds! One is a red velvet cheesecake, one is a regular cheesecake, and one is a cheesecake that is covered in a strawberry jam all over with nuts on the jam and strawberries on top of the cake!!! There are no seeds in the jam by the way" she giggled," do you offer samples?"

I nodded and grabbed some small sample spoons and went to the back and grabbed a small sample of all three and handed them to her. After she has shoved them all down her throat without even swallowing she decided she wanted the Strawberry Cheesecake. I placed the full cake in a pink box with a detail gold design with the bakery's logo on it and handed it to her with a big grin. She smiled and paid for the cake and walked off. I smiled and thought to myself,' mmm... The first sale of the day'

as I looked out the window I saw the girl talking to other people before pointing at my store. "Oh, crud... I'm never getting any sales If she's talking crap about this place" suddenly I saw several more people come in and order. 'Huh... I guess she told them good things'

I started giving the people what they wanted. It was mostly adults or teenagers. Then I saw a suspicious looking character. Navy blue hoodie covering his top half... His head and face included... He wore long jeans and worn out sneakers as well.

He was extremely tall... At least compared to me. He looked as though he were about 6'1 or 6'2... I wasn't too sure... I watched him while giving people their requests and orders... He was looking through the cookies and cakes I set up for people to look at...

They were freshly baked this morning too... He saw some of the chocolate bars I made and took it and shoved it in his pocket. I gasped. 'H-HES A THEIF!!! God dammit I even stutter while I'm thinking' I was just about to confront him before I realized that it was 7 in the afternoon and I had to close up shop. He noticed I was approaching him and made a run for it.

Well, it was too late to catch him now. So I threw my white and red apron off and closed up shop and headed to my other job working as a photographer. I grabbed my camera out of my messenger bag that I had gotten out of the bakery before I had closed up and headed to the park since it always looked lovely at this time of day. Then again everything looks gorgeous mid-June.

So I walked over and started to snap pictures continuously of the gorgeous sights I had seen. I had been offered many jobs as different photographers. Model Photographer. Bikini model photographer. Celebrity photographer.

But I honestly just preferred nature photography. I enjoyed taking pictures of the place I love most. Finding little nooks and crannies of beautiful detailed things most people would walk by without giving a thought. I would post these sorts of things in magazines so people could see themselves. I had finished taking some pictures when I saw him again.

The man with the hood. I walked over to him and put my hands on my hips. I don't think he recognized me without my apron and stuff, And I had my glasses on. He honestly just waved. I wanted to confront the guy so bad but... For some reason, my subconscious wouldn't allow it.


So feel free to check that out of ya wanna... Anyways have a lovely day/night/evening

1045 words...

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