CH. 2 A normal life

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Hello dear all :-) I am finally updating this story and sorry for the wait but honestly, these days are so full and busy..

I very much hope you'll enjoy it and please let me know with your comments, for me it's very important! Thank you very much for being such wonderful and cheerful fans and readers ans always sharing your emotions and ideas with me! xox

Here we have Enna and we understand his personality, his world, his mind ... and then, a little extra in the end.

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to jbookworm100 as a super thank you for being such a great fan and reading my stories!

On the right, a picture of our sensual and gorgeous Enna ...




I observed the shape of her face and head right there in front of me and studied the complex of her skin and hair, then resting my eyes on the shades of hers. Hmm, she asked for a very dark colour, but that wouldn’t go well with such pale complex and would only kill the sparkle in her eyes. This lady had bright and smiling eyes and so why to shadow them with the wrong tint?

“May I venture my personal opinion and professional advice?” I politely asked her, since she was new in our salon and just came over because apparently a friend of her spoke well of me.

“Of course, my friend said that I should shut-up, sit here and let you do whatever you want.” I slightly giggled at her comment and gave her a flattered and sweet smile. She blushed and I mentally shook my head.

This lady was probably around forty-five and I sure was not the most masculine and testosterone oozing man out there, but she seemed to find me attractive and I discreetly caught her peeking at me from the mirror and almost staring with wide eyes. Of course she did not realize I saw that, because it was part of my job to pretend not seeing it. I purposely caressed my hair, today arranged in an intricate and researched plat and gave her another smile through the mirror.

“You are too nice with me, but I shall make sure that your trust will be perfectly repaid.” I turned the chair and now she was facing me directly. “You see, your skin has a beautiful and delicate pale complexion and the colour you asked for, oh dear me, will only clash with that and it will as well shadow that sparkling green light radiating from your eyes.”

She stared at me almost gawking and I shot a quick and hard stare to Priya when she let out a muffled snort and then smirked at me. My friend wasn’t exactly the most subtle person and she would directly tell a client whether his/her ideas were bad; but she had magical hands and the way she crafted hairdos was surely a beautiful and perfect masterpiece.

“You think so?”

“Yes, it is obviously your decision and I shall do as you prefer, but I believe that a lighter tone mixed with the right amount of thin sun-light strands will give you the perfect look.” I indulged my eyes on hers just a tiny longer to be sure she was going to follow my advice. I knew I was right and wouldn’t permit a client to leave this salon and my chair with the wrong head. Not a chance. I blinked then and softly smiled. She blinked and then blushed. I won her!

“I am in your hands.” I could almost hear the following part of her sentence, but alas, even if this lady was indeed very pretty and had a lovely figure, well, she did not appeal me, for I was gay.

Gay, loud and proud. And probably people thought I was as well extremely flamboyant, but I wouldn’t describe myself as flamboyant, but rather androgynous and delicate-looking. Although I was not a doll made of porcelain, even if my skin was very fair and pale.

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