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Hello dear all :-) I am back from vacation and finally beginning to post and update this new story that is about Enna and Roman from "All you need is ME"

I really hope you'll enjoy it, since it's going to be different from my other stories and probably more mature and darker than usual, but hey, you should know me already by now ... :-)

Let me know what you think of this prologue and no worries, chapter 1 is coming in two days and with that the story will start at full pace.

On the right, the picture of the stars tattooed on the knees as Roman has.

Dedicated to all the fan of Enna and Roman and in particular to ladyafyon, thanks dear for being such a great fan!



“I have no family.

I have no past.

I have no friends.

I have no surname.

What is love? I do not know, because love for me does not exist. Not in my world.

I have no God nor do I believe in saints and angels.”


Those were the words that chanted inside his mind, while standing on his feet in that room. Those were the words they kept repeating him and that he heard since he had memory; they weren’t simple words related to his current life, but to his forgotten past. It was true what they said. He had no family, no past, no friends and knew no love.

Was he a shadow or a ghost?

No, Roman was far from being a mere ghost. Roman was a dark and deadly devil and he had been raised to take people’s life and correct wrong behaviour; therefore he could not be considered a shadow, but your worst nightmare if you ever decided to cross his path in the wrong way.

I apologize.

He was not simply your worst nightmare.

He was going to be your brutal end.

Inside the poor lit room the smoke of cigarette and of hookah had filled the heavy and hard air of that small place; you could smell the tobacco and you could feel it down your guts, rasping painfully your throat along with the pungent smell of vodka. A soft and monotone murmur chanted in the air and made the room seem smaller and more confining than it already was, but none of this registered into his mind and heart. It was his duty to be there and it was a great honour to receive the stars.

Did he feel anything?

Nyet, he felt absolutely nothing.

The young man stood there half naked in front of other men of the organization that were scrutinizing him and his tattooed body and discussing among each other about old codes and new business. That was the rising world: a medley of old criminal codes and laws, and innovative and recent rules to abide in order to crush your enemy and rise above anyone else. And to gain more money and territory.

Yes, it has changed in a way, but not so much. It still was a sadistic game of prey and prayer, kill or die.

Money and power were always what made the world spin around and nothing else.

Was this man here in front of those older men ready to receive the stars on the knees? Was he ready to become an Avtorityet, a captain you might say, and lead other smaller groups of boyevik? He was a former boyevik and one of the best. So dah, yes, he was ready and if boss says so, you stick with his final word.

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