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Dear All,

I am sorry, because I wanted to post yesterday but I had some issues with the internet modem and I cannot post chapters through my phone. So, here is the Epilogue of this story :-)

I am sorry for the absence of over a month, but I already explained my reasons and no need to repeat myself and annoy you. I just want to thank everyone that wrote me a message, because it really helped and I want to thank you for the support you gave and you keep giving to this story that has reached its end.

Yes, "Fallen for an Angel" has finally ended and I really hope you will enjoy the Epilogue, so please let me know with your wonderful comments, votes and messages. You know how much I love reading them and I always try my best in replying.

I have nothing much to say regarding this concluding chapter, because I believe all was said already and the words of it will speak enough. I just hope you will like it.

I dedicate it to each of you as a special thank you for your love, support, kindness, feebacks, understanding and again, for you love. You are wonderful readers, believe me. I just want to add a quick comment to WBTA2013 as I remember your message asking whether a particular moment would be present in the epilogue or not...well, here is the answer and I will be curious to hear your thoughts :-) I will be curious to hear each of you's thoughts!

As song, I chose one from the incredible Korean pianist and composer Yiruma that I found perfect for this chapter and for the last part of it. The picture is a banner a friend of mine made for me long ago: thank you very much, I love it!

And now, enjoy it!


Enna and I left the restaurant where we had dinner with Ciara and her new girlfriend, who wasn't going to last long, judging by the way and reasons they slightly argued during the evening. My angel didn't worry about that, knowing his sister very well, for I came to realise she hadn't yet found the girl that managed to really steal her heart. Ciara was also quite volatile and tended to fall in love all too easily, letting the enthusiasm of the first crush get the best of her. The moment I saw them together a couple of months ago I knew it wasn't going to last very long.

"It sure was an interesting evening and quite the amusing fight, if it can even be considered as such," my beautiful Enna quietly observed as we walked through Temple Bar, our hands linked together, and his side pressed against mine. "I always admire your incredible patience when it comes to my sister and her antics. I am sure in a couple of weeks we'll hear about her breaking up." He laughed softly and swirled around, stopping in front of me to leave a kiss on my lips as he tiptoed. "What do you want to do, baby?"

As I said, he was not worried, because we both knew his sister very well and actually, the more I knew her the more I considered her as a real sister, given she liked to ask me for advices and we all often had dinner together, especially during weekend when we either visited Eamon or he drove to Dublin. I loved what I had with Enna and since a while ago, a desire to unite each other in something more started to form inside of me, because the idea of calling him my husband sounded both perfect and very exciting. Yes, my angel would be an incredible, sweet and dangerously sexy husband. I quietly chuckled and shook my head as his eyes seemed to enquire why I was laughing.

"It's nothing my angel, I was only thinking about you and at how you're terribly tempting in bed." I took him in my arms and pulled him completely pressed against me, letting my lips slightly stroke his, as our eyes smiled at each other.

"Tempting hmm? What about your very irresistible dark and wild side, my love?" I sealed his lips with mine and I felt my desire burning as he let out a very quiet moan.

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