CH. 14 Deceiving sweet quiet

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Hello dear all, finally I am updating this story and I am sorry for making you wait this long, but couldn't update before. Here comes a rather long chapter and the title says it all and I won't add anything about the chapter.

Hope very much you'll enjoy and as usual I'll be looking forward to reading your comments and messages, because I really LOVE them all! THANK YOU to all of you!!!

On the right we have a wonderful banner Maria231000 made for me, thanks dear, it's just perfect! <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Sweet1018 as a huge THANK YOU for your comments in my stories and messages!! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter xox



When my eyes opened, seeing it was still dark outside and hearing the rain drumming on the glass of the window, they closed a moment, savouring this precious moment of quiet life. I was in bed with my angel and he was in my arms, resting his sleeping head on my shoulder and keeping firm hold of my waist, his hair scattered on his beautiful face, on the pillow and on his naked back. I stared at his resting form for a few minutes, simply looking and taking in every little detail of this incredible creature.

It was deceiving quietness and I knew it, but waking up with him in my arms was something that really had me thinking for an instant that nothing could touch this moment and that I could stay here with him forever. Unfortunately, it was not the case and I knew it.

Enna was so gorgeous and perfect, but there was so much more behind his delicate and alluring look, as he had a hidden provoking dark side that last night had me almost slip. When I saw him completely naked on the bed, his foot playing with my hardness, the other one keeping me in place while his eyes smiled of a wicked light, I had to admit it cost me a great deal of effort in staying relatively under control. I am not sure if he was entirely aware of the effect he had on me or if he was aware completely of the way he behaved with me, as it seemed something coming from a hidden and asleep side of him.

And his lips...I closed again my eyes and took a silent deep breath, because something began to stir inside me and it couldn’t get out now. His lips were something to lose myself in the feeling of tasting them, for they were so soft and inviting and so warm...his sweet breath caressing mine, having a taste of him and of his soul. A mute exhale left my lips and I pressed them gently on his forehead.

I pulled the cover over his shoulders, because I didn’t want Enna to feel cold and my hand took to caress his hair.

It was true I had to leave in two weeks or so, but these two weeks weren’t meant to be spent with my angel and the idea grasped my heart painfully. I was waiting to meet those men that small fry told me about and I had to retrieve all the possible information, since without evident proofs you couldn’t go and accuse the son of our boss. The wrong move and word would only slapped back badly and trigger a dangerous chain of reactions. No, even if we had no more doubts, those damn evidences were vital. I had no idea how the boss was going to take it or if he already suspected something, but Anton talked to him already. And there was something else that left me rather restless; he told me about what happened last night in that casino and the fact they were trying to mess with me in such low and pathetic way. It was a bad move and once back in Kiev, I would make them pay for that; but it wasn’t what left me restless. What had me thinking a lot last night was that it seemed unreal that a new group of Chechens was willing to work for someone like Ruslan, even with great promise of turf or whatever it was on the plate. And dealing with this big shot to boost it. That man admitted they had links and that he heard about some war over territory and that could be related to the rumours spread to convince them to deal and cooperate, but...

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