CH 22: Lurking in the darkness

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Dear all,

Finally  I am updating "Fallen for an Angel" and you will see that it is a rather long and intense chapter.. it took me some time to craft it in the way I wanted.

I have selected a picture of Enna that I think fits the atmosphere perfectly, you will see and the song, well, it just calls for it.

I really hope you will enjoy it! I will be looking forward to reading your comments and messages: thank you dear all!

Ah! Stay tuned because I am working on "Loving You is Forbidden" new chapter and I might post it this weekend or Monday at the latest.

Well, for now enjoy this new chapter.


For a few days already she had gazed at the phone, never leaving it far from her, always making sure it was safely stuck in her pockets. His words circled in her head and so did his instructions or, as she felt to properly called it, his silent request for help. When she had met him and that other man in the emergency room of the hospital where she worked, it first seemed that that dark haired man attracted her attention more.

Yet, his words and his hard, fearsome green eyes had completely shocked her. It felt as if that dangerous looking man belonged to another world, to somewhere that was not of this mere and sad world, even if he emanated such dark and bloodcurdling aura. She remembered how he assessed her with cold and authoritarian eyes, turning her blood into ice, feeling as if she had encountered some ancient demon. She had even gone to church the following morning, praying the Virgin Mary.

That man had left her speechless and she realized she could not be attracted to him, because she was scared of him and because she could feel that another unnatural creature awaited for him; even though, she could not understand why or how, given no love or human emotions seemed to posses that green eyed man.

Working as nurse at the hospital gave her chance to meet all sorts of persons and it was not easy, because she was beautiful with dark, long hair, her eyes were of a light blue resembling the iced water of an Ukrainian lake, and because she had been gifted with both good looks and long, well-shaped legs. It meant that some men working at the hospital thought they could have their ways with her. It was not easy to always dodge a potential dangerous and unpleasant situation, but her past had taught her enough. However, Anya, this was the name of the nurse that had once mended Roman with the stars' wound, had been also gifted with brain and a keen quickness in understanding how to swim, to keep from drowning in the cold and dark water.

Life had not always been delicate and fair with her, just like for many other people. She had rarely experienced real kindness and tenderness, and she could not believe in it. Yet, she was lucky enough that, even through certain experiences, a very sweet disposition and a rather honest naivety never left her. Kindness was something she longed for, but Anya knew it rarely could be attained for free.

Until she had met that other man, the one that came to the emergency room with the one exposing tattoos belonging to a dark and dangerous world. That man, who had hair of the colour of very dark honey, an easy and rather audacious smile, revealing a rather dirty mouth and mind, quick and undressing eyes of a darker shade of her blue, had showed her unexpected and genuine kindness. He had made her feel alive. He had made her believe that maybe you could hope for a little touch of gentleness, even without having to give anything back.

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