CH. 26 The poison of a red queen

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Dear All,

as I anticipated in my earlier message, today I am posting a new chapter of "Fallen for an Angel" and we will have a very few chapters left before the end. This one, as you will see, wraps things up a lot and it will lead us toward the end of this story.

It is a rather hard and emotional chapter and I really hope you will enjoy it, so please let me know with your comments (that I always love to read!) and your votes. Your support is very precious for me and I am grateful very much for it and for the amazing energy and kindness you always give me: THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I had been very busy with travelling back home for a few days visiting my family and then with changing job. But please don't worry if I am not active for a few days: in case of taking a long break, I would surely inform you :-)

I have posted a picture of Cillian (--> handsome and very good actor Kit Harington) because he's a key character of the chapter and then a song that I think perfectly fits CH.26.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of you and in particular to AnuKalita as a big thank you for your amazing and sweet support and for your lovely comments: thanks my dear!

Ps. I took part to that Open Novella Contest with a Fantasy story that I will update soon, "Darkness Becomes You", so feel free to check it if you are curious about it!

And now, enjoy it!


More days passed since Roman left and I felt growing restless more and more; my father also looked worried but of course he tried to mask it in front of me and he often tried to keep my mind away from my fears by involving me in his gardening and green-house activity. I really wasn't much of a help in that unfortunately, but I was grateful for the break it offered, not to mention when Ciara visited. I loved my sister and she had a way to restore the necessary calm and confidence I had before in me.

It wasn't that I doubted Roman, but I knew he was made of flesh and blood and I had seen him shot once already. I shivered and my eyes closed, once more experiencing that panicked state and sense of fragility, but the ringing of my phone almost startled me and in a hasty move I grabbed it, hoping to see an unknown, foreign number on it.

But it was not. Roman was not calling me as I hoped for a brief and rather naive moment.

I sighed when the number of my friend showed on the display and before answering his call, I commanded a normal and cheerful note in my voice. Worrying my friends was unnecessary and also potentially risky, for it could expose deeper issues that had better stay buried in my heart only. I was happy to hear from him, as I had missed him dearly in these days. Cillian had come back from his trip to London but said that he had to go back in a few days, as an important matter hadn't been settled as he wished to; he had promised to visit dad and at first I was afraid he would say something about my bruises, but they had almost all faded away and a bit of make-up and an excuse could explain the most evident one.

"Cillian!" I immediately greeted him, hearing my voice not sounding as joyful as I wished, but given his reply it was obvious he didn't notice it and I mentally exhaled in relief.

"Hey babe, how are you? And more importantly, how's your dad? Can I come visit you today? I want to see how the old man is doing and I miss you, Enna," he said with sincere voice and I smiled through the phone, as he was finally going back to my real Cillian. "I bet Ciara was there trying to help but probably doing more damage, right?"

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