CH. 1 Blood and snow

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Hello dear all :-) I am posting chapter 1 of this story and I really hope you'll enjoy it, so please let me know what you think with your comments that I love very much!

Thank you for the great welcoming you gave to my new story: THANK YOU!!!

We see how Roman was in his past life while dealing the shady and dangerous business before meeting Enna.

On the right a wonderful banner made from azer90, thanks honey <3 Well, Roman has more tattoos..

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to DiDi_XD as a thank you for your dedications!




The snow kept falling silently all around the empty parking lot at the very end of the city, an isolated and forgotten place that was left abandoned as many other old places; some old Soviet-era buildings were lined on the other side, but they were mostly empty and even if someone was there looking at this very spot, they would not dare to utter a single sound. They valued their life too much to overstep limits.

The snow fell quiet and silent over our heads and the air was already getting chilly, even though it was only the beginning of November. I did not mind it, since I liked the cold and never suffered it. No sound was there in the air or daring to creep out, not even the quietest whisper; that was not correct. It was possible to detect one feeble sound and that was from the two men kneeling down in front of me and uselessly begging for their pathetic life, with their eyes wide with terror and dreadful fear and their lips purple for the cold.

A waste of time.

Once you betray the organization for such a low reason, you must expect the right punishment and they could call themselves lucky the boss decided to send me this time instead of someone else that lusted for bloody massacre, even though it was not a job adequate to my rank.

My rank, of course.

The stars on my knees and the annoying bother and burden they brought the moment the ink sank into my skin and flesh. It was without doubt a great honour for me and I kept and wore them with pride and made sure to always honour and rightfully serve our organization and boss, but there was more behind that. With those stars I became a captain and someone high ranked and that meant more enemies trying to kill me to gain fame and money, and more pointless and irritating envy crawling inside our group.

You would be surprise to learn how sly were people standing right beside you and how you had to guard your back more from them than from outside enemies. You were ready for external menaces and dangers, but not ready enough to defend yourself from internal traitors and that is why I trusted almost nobody and kept alone most of the time. And that was the reason I was here now facing these pieces of human garbage. They had betrayed and done it in the lowest way, and betrayal meant danger, problems and delay in business, loss of money and loss of territory.

“Are you sure it was them that leaked out the info? We cannot know that hundred percent, so are you going to take the blame in case we fail?”

This was one of the annoyances the stars brought to me and it was an annoyance quite treacherous, because it was sneaky and sly and had the right to stand here and close to our boss.

Ruslan was not someone to underestimate.

“First of all, there is no need for you to be here, and you know I am sure hundred percent. Now, if you cannot stand the sight of blood and brain scattered on the snow, I suggest you to look away.” I simply answered him, not mentioning his name, because it was better to keep them hidden.

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