CH. 16 Promises

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Hello dearl all, so as the status said, today I am updating this story and we have another rather long chapter and I guess you know what's in there.

I won't say much about it, I just hope you'll enjoy it, so please let me know with your comments, as I love reading them and hear your opinions and thoughts: thank you very much!!! And thank you for your messages!!!!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Vickert as a big THANK YOU for your comments on my stories, so hope you'll enjoy the chapter!

On the right, a picture of RUSLAN --> Vladimir Mashkov



He paused a moment and then his eyes became harder.

“I know the like of you and what sort of life you conduce. If you really love my son, as you say, you should leave. Now.”


I wasn’t surprised to hear such words and it would actually surprise me more if a man like him were to accept this situation like nothing, just giving us his blessing. That to be honest would be rather fishy and suspicious. They way he eyed us in the kitchen made clear he understood he had interrupted us in the middle of something and he was clearly in confusion not able to grasp what was between Enna and me, and of course he wanted an explanation, but that was to come from Enna himself, as it would only be fair in that way.

I straightened up and stared at him with equal hard and meaningful eyes, making final and clear I was not withdrawing and going back. That would be impossible, as the way Enna reacted last night when for a brief moment he thought I was gone was still fresh in my mind. He looked desperate and I too well knew how he felt, because it’d be the same for me. No, it was actually the same I experienced when I tried to stay away from him in these past two weeks, trying to convince myself it was the only right decision.

Yes, it was selfish what I was doing, but I was not that careless; I made another promise to myself and to Enna, too, only he didn’t know it yet.

“I understand your worry and I do respect it, because it is normal to think like that. I am what I am and I cannot change it.” Enna’s father kept silent a moment and then placed the towel over the sink, never moving his eyes from me. I smirked and then suddenly became completely serious. “But I will not leave. I will only if Enna says so.”

His jaws clenched and tightened in a hard line and I could tell what was going on in his mind and yes, it was understandable, but nothing and nobody could take Enna away from me. Only if things would take a certain turn, well, then I would leave my angel to avoid him any involvement and complication, but only then. Not now.

“I knew it.” He said exhaling. “You are the reason my son looked like a wrecked ghost last week, isn’t it? He bloody scared me, if you want to know, and I can tell you know what I’m talking about, so why didn’t you leave when you had the chance? Why did you involve someone like my son with a man like you?”

“I believe Enna should explain you that, not me. I can tell you that I did try to stay away and I do know this is dangerous, but he will not be involved, you have my word. I love Enna and he is my angel; it is correct what you say: why did I start it? Because I could not resist him. Do you believe in soul mate, Eamon?”

He assessed me with another severe and dark glare, saying nothing, but thinking about my worlds.

“What has that to do with you?”

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