CH 21: Enemies at the gate

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Dear All,

I am sorry because I said I would post a new chapter of Fallen for an Angel on Monday, but somehow my Wattpad page didn't work.

However, as promised here is the new chapter...after very long time indeed.

Thank you very much for the comments and reaction on my new chapters of "Loving you is Forbidden", as always I totally love reading your comments and messages.

Let me know what you think of this chapter, I'll be looking forward to reading your feedbacks ^^

I posted a picture of Eamon O'Kelley (--> an actor I hightly esteem: Liam Neeson) and a song that due to the pace it seemed fitting the chapter nicely.

This one is dedicated to all of my fans/readers particularly loving Enna and Roman love-story :) Thank you for always supporting me.

And now, enjoy it!



More snow silently fell down from the sky and touched my skin, confused with the blood on the ground.

"You are dead, Roman with the stars." He hissed too boldly as he almost chocked for oxygen, his hand moved to the right and took hold of my gun, pointing it at me.

"You are dead." I said and two sounds followed my words.

The quietened explosion of a bullet and the faint snapping and cracking of bones.


The corner of my lips twitched a moment as the shot hit my shoulder, missing the bone as I slightly shifted when I saw the barrel ready to fire, and then my hands let go of the lifeless and limp head of the man that bent to the side as the broken neck of a puppet.

I pushed the corpse aside and surveyed my wound, seeing that blood was spilling even though not at a life-threatening amount. It still had to be treated and get stitches and it was good the bullet exited my flesh hitting the trunk right behind me. I grunted not in pain but in annoyance because when I stood up the loss of blood was evident on my side; however I had to dispose of his dead body and of the bullet in the trunk and disposing of the corpse meant that nothing and nobody would have been able to find it. I valued several options and opted for dismembering and burning. However, first I cut a piece of fabric from my undershirt and wrapped it around my shoulder, to limit the loss of blood; then I proceed with meticulous calm and watched over the fire that flame after flame devoured the remaining of this little rat that played with the wrong predator.

A dark and vicious smile rose on my lips as the flames and embers burned deeper in front of me, consuming everything of it. It was good this place was so deserted and isolated, no houses or farms around. Nobody would notice the fire lit inside the ruins of that old building.

I waited until it was extinguished and it took its sweet and long time; what was left I buried deep in the ground in scattered places, along with his weapons. I changed the wrap around my shoulder because blood was dripping from it and I knew something had to be done in a matter of a very short time, because the loss was starting to have its effects on me.

I weighted whether it was advisable to drive and if I had the full concentration to do it without risking some car accident, but it was clear that it was my only option and there was one place only that I could visit in these conditions. I cracked my neck and took a deep breath, forcing concentration and focus to reach their highest. I couldn't afford losing grip on them right now.

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