CH. 29: Gambling with the Stars

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Dear All,

as I had promised, a new chapter of this story is out this weekend. The chapter is long as usual and very emotional in some ways, you will see.

I really hope you will enjoy it and I must admit that it wasn't easy to write it and craft it in a way that satisfied me. A way that hopefully satisfies you, too. Let me know what you think with your votes, messages and amazing comments, thank you very much! I absolutely enjoy reading them and they always make me what incredible readers I have :-)

I would like to dedicate this chapter to each of you dear readers and in particular to Choizya as a special thank you for very insightful comments and for your constant support.

A special picture of our Enna, as somehow I would like to have, if there would be a TV show based on my story (--> gorgeous Andreja Pejic when still was Andrej Pejic) and a song that it seemed to fit the events of this chapter.

And now, enjoy it!


Anton and I took Danila Petrenko with us and left the oligarch in the care of two men we knew could trust. He was going to be our insurance and the way to penetrate wherever they would hide, without risking getting immediately injured and mostly, without risking Enna's safety. That woman wouldn't risk the life of her precious pawn and same applied to Ruslan, who would be nobody without his money and connections. He thought he could rule in our organization once he killed our boss and me, but he must have realised the foolishness of such idea. The higher ranks and old men of the organization would not allow him to step up and they would never bend to him.

Ruslan needed that oligarch's money and apparent good connections and relationships and he knew it, or else he would have already acted.

While we drove back, I made a couple of calls to know when they were going to land and I was able to get the information I needed; it was about searching for the place where they would hide and where he would think advantageous to have our final confrontation. I also had to wait for that woman to be back in Kiev, because I did not want to act too early and leave her the chance to hide or run away. They all had to be dead and it was the only way to get out of this and mostly, the only way to make sure that nobody would go after my Enna.

I paced in the room of our usual headquarters and looked outside the window, seeing the darkness of the night and the snow on the streets. I closed my eyes then and prayed for Enna, for his safety, for his strength, for his being alive and untouched. If they would dare to touch or harm my angel, I had no idea what I would do to them; in fact, I had a precise idea of what I would do to each of them. I opened my eyes and stared more into the cold darkness of the night and it was as if I could feel Enna's presence beside me, his delicate touch and his melodic, soft voice whispering into my ear. I rested my forehead on the glass of the window and observed the night outside, letting go of a deep, long breath.

I couldn't die and I couldn't sacrifice my life, because without me, Enna was not going to get back safe. I could trust Anton and Anton only, so I had to rely also on him. I couldn't consider the idea of leaving him here alone, even if I managed to eliminate that fucking traitor and everyone else. No. It could not be done in such way. Yes, I would gladly give my damned life for his and of this, I had no doubts. But, I had to be careful and play my card wisely. I belonged to my angel now and there was nothing I wanted more than spending my life with him. I rested my hands on the windowsill and concentrated my thoughts on Enna.

He was very strong and I already knew this, but after what Eamon told me, I feared that something might have broken inside of him, and also for this, they were going to painfully pay. That man named Cillian was probably going to be eliminated very soon and I doubted they would let him go: he knew too much and got too involved. Even if they would let him go, I sure would not. I would step away only if Enna ordered it to me, because I would never ever cause him pain and sadness. The pain, sufferance and sadness he felt, I also felt it. If my angel suffered, I also suffered and I wished to completely erase it for him.

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