CH.31: A life with my angel

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Dear All,

Here is CH.31 as I promised, just I am sorry I didn't deliver it on Sunday as promised, but when I reviewed it, I began to fix a few things and you know very well how it goes with me and writing. I'm a bit obsessed with details and describing.

This is the last chapter basically, before the Epilogue that is pretty much done and that should be posted tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.

You will see how physical and intense this chapter is, but I am sure you will understand the need of it, for Roman and Enna had quite the story behind them and had been separated for long time, before being reunited forever. Please note that this chapter follows the previous one when Roman finally comes back to Enna, having a gap of three years in between.

It is never easy to complete a story, for each one is unique and deserves its own particular ending, like "Fallen for an Angel". I believe you will understand what I mean by reading this chapter and I really hope you will enjoy it, so please let me know with your comments, votes and messages. THANK YOU!

Thank you very much for your support and loved showed to this book and please wait for the Epilogue that will nicely conclude their story.

It took me time to complete this chapter because I had to find the right mindset and disposition, wanting to be true to my characters, their emotions, and I think I did. Tell me what you think of it.

The song I chose goes very well with certain scenes in here and you'll definitely agree, I am sure of it. The picture is a banner a dear friend of mine once made for me and I would like to dedicate this chapter to everyone enjoying this story, in particular to AddictedToSmut, as I promised you my dear, because I believe you'll definitely enjoy it.

P.s. The chapter is long, but well, no need to warn you about this :-)

And now, enjoy the new chapter.


Almost four years passed since that dreadful night when Priya had been brutally murdered in front of my eyes, her blood spilling down her throat and her body sagging slowly on the ground as the life abandoned her. Almost four years passed since that day in Kiev when that monster called Ruslan had killed Cillian, still in front of my eyes, for then threatening me of using me as his own sexual slave. I remembered clearly how I never felt real, panicking fear as that revolting man uttered those words, knowing I would rather kill myself than let him touch me. I also trusted my Roman with my whole soul, mind, heart and body, and he would have never let me perish there.

Almost four passed since that night when my love fought with a knife against that man, risking his life, being shot to save his boss, doing everything in his power to protect me and rescue me. I would never ever forget that night, as I witnessed Roman going against Ruslan with his bare hands and just a knife, inherent and in the dreadful, maddening impossibility of doing anything. I would never forget how I could barely breathe, afraid that monster would hurt him or kill him, but it was all gone.

I was drowning in terror, terror that he might die, but then I remembered his words, his promise made to me and the fact he indeed had come to rescue me.

Yes...he arrived and saved me, killing those monsters and killing that man with his own hands, putting an end to that nightmare.

Years passed, yet, I still dreamed of those two horrible days and a few times I woke up screaming in the middle of the night. It happened the first months after coming back from Kiev, sleeping alone in bed, desperately waiting for Roman to be back. It was terrible and I couldn't sleep for many nights, for weeks, since I feared of what I would find out once waking up, as I drowned in panic that something might still happen to my love. But he came back and since then, nothing happened, since then our life together was like a dream and sleeping in his arms helped in chasing the nightmares away.

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