CH. 6 A pure heart, a tainted soul

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Good evening dear all, as I said before I am posting the new chapter of this story and I really hope you'll enjoy it! I want to thank you for how you welcomed this new story and for your amazing messages and comments: THANK YOU from my heart!

Let me know what you think of this chapter, because you'll see...quite an emotional intense chapter... well, let's see about it :-)

A quick note, if you find Roman's English rather strange or robotic, that's how I wanted it, ok?

On the right a wonderful banner that JUURIKURAN made for me and thank you very much, I love it <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to JustDinariz because I know you love Roman and so hope you'll enjoy this chapter love! xox

Now, enjoy!


“Enna.” His voice said with firm and deep tone, his eyes fixed one mine, sending shivers down my spine. “You are beautiful, like an angel.”

An angel.

He said I was beautiful like an one ever told me that.

They said I was more attractive than girls, more feminine and gorgeous than them, that I was stunning and yes of course, that I was beautiful too. But never been told like an angel. And it wasn’t about his words, but about the way he said them, with his eyes locking mine in a breath-taking gaze.

“An angel..” I murmured studying his face and the dark lines of his eyebrows. He had such strong facial features, but so attractive. His gaze had some sort of influence that unleashed a new Enna and of course that new Enna had no idea of thinking before speaking. “You are not disappointed that I am not a girl?”

“Disappointed?” He asked, probably not getting the whole meaning of the word.

“Do you mind I am not a girl?” I asked differently and his eyes completely struck me there.

He twirled the strand of my hair around his finger as if he wanted to pull my head closer to his, my lips closer to his and I just stared at him in silence, leaning towards his hand. I had no idea why I was feeling in this way, but I wanted to feel his hands on me and I wanted to hear his voice speaking and telling me everything about him.

He laughed in a very sensual but also dark way and brought the strand of hair close to his mouth and then let it go.

“Enna, I saw at first you are a man. I did not know angels are male and so beautiful...” I was completely spellbound. I wasn’t wrong before; this man here really understood I was a guy and not a girl and so the word beautiful really meant something entirely different for him. “You have very sensual body and how to say it in English? Your first look can confuse, because you do not seem a ...”

“A guy?” I interrupted him and then quickly looked away feeling rather childish for acting in that immature way.

He chuckled softly and felt his finger under my chin, turning my face to his.

“No, you do not seem a human. You look like a pure creature, an angel. Enna, you are a man and I know it.”

For I don’t know how many seconds I just stared speechless and breathless at his eyes; his hand left my face, but caught another lock of hair.

“Thank you, Roman.” Something quickly travelled his face when I said his name. I stared again at his eyes and felt again that commanding pull. “Your eyes have something that ... I don’t know how to properly explain it, but have me impossible to move and look away.”

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