CH. 12 Inked past, inked life

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Hello dear all, as promised in the status, here comes the new chapter and it's rather long and intense under many aspects, you'll see what I mean.

I really hope you'll enjoy it, so please let me know with your comments, as it's amazing to read them and see what you think.. Thank you very much for everything my dear fans and readers, you sure know how to make me smile :-)

On the right a wonderful banner Klovis made for me and it's just perfect <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to NORAJC56 as a big thank you my dear for your comments and messages, plus I know you like this story...

Now, enjoy!


Enna turned the water of the shower off and before opening the door of the box he pulled closer and slipped his arms around my neck. I had no idea how I managed until now to keep my desire and needs under control; it must be because of my way of being, trained and used to control my emotions and actions, and because of the love I felt for my angel.

“Roman, will you stay over tonight? And tomorrow as well?” His eyes pierced mine and my breath stopped a moment when my stare melted with his, feeling that thick and controlling pull engulfing both of us.

I thought before answering his question, because I had to consider few things, but didn’t I say no more turning back? I nodded and my hands cupped his beautiful face and when his lips slightly opened up in a very inviting way, something powerful stirred in me and I pressed my forehead on his, his sweet breath caressing my lips. How would feel to kiss this angel? I am sure it would damn my senses, but gave them peace at the same time. I was dying to taste those lips and take that mouth, but not yet. Not yet, Roman. There was still so much unsaid between us, mostly on my part and he looked so pure and candid.

Did I have the right to taint him with my wrecked soul and dirty hands? I knew the answer very well, of course, yet here I was having him in my arms.

“Yes, I will stay over, if that is good with you.” He locked his stare with mine and I had no idea how my eyes looked in that moment, but I knew they probably reflected what was going on inside me and the glance my angel gave me made me understand he saw something in them. I released him and took half step back, to give him some space.

But he moved closer and in doing so his body completely pressed on mine and I could feel everything of him; his soft and perfect skin sleek with water, his sweet and alluring breath luring me to very dangerous paths, his silky hair wet from the shower pressing on my chest; his erection almost stroking mine.

“Enna, please...” I took his wrists and made him take a step back. He went to say something, but I spoke first. “I am a man, my angel. I sure respect you and I would never do something to hurt you or against your will, never, believe me; but I am a man and this proximity does not help me, you know that.”

He smiled in such provoking and tempting way that I felt invisible strings in me being pulled by invisible fingers, Enna’s invisible fingers, hauling me closer and triggering my already burning lust; and so instead of keeping the necessary space between us, I yanked him to me and of course he was not surprised, but only offered me another enticing and control dissolving smile. We just stared at each other for a long and mute moment, saying nothing, just breathing deeply and feeling each other aura and desire; yes, I could feel his desire for me and it was intoxicating, overwhelming. My blood rushed wilder and his shining blue irises only accelerated its pace, pulling me closer, whispering sweet words to my soul. I let go of his wrists only to cage his back in my arms and his hands sank in my hair.

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