CH. 23 Stars hunting for their Angel

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Dear All,

I wanted to update this story last week, but I didn't manage the time as I hoped to do. However, a NEW CHAPTER is here and I really hope you will enjoy it!

Let me know what you think with your amazing comments, votes and messages :-) I will be looking forward to reading them ^^

For Enna and Roman's fans and readers,  I am sorry for the delay, but I had been absorbed a lot into "Loving You is Forbidden". However, as I already said, I think Enna and Roman have a special bond and I love to write about them. They deserve much more.

We have quite the chapter right now and hopefully next week I will update CH. 24, but as always, I keep you updated on my things.

Thank you very much for reading my stories! I dedicate this chapter to all Enna and Roman's fans and readers, thank you for your support :-)
I opted to add a picture of Michael (--> talented and handsome Jonathan Rhys Meyers who somehow has a look in his eyes that reminds me of this character. I like JRM as actor very much, but I always found something in his stare unsettling). I chose Metallica for the chapter.

If any of you feels like making banners or such, you know I will always be pleased and I will use them in the chapters. You can PM if you prefer.

And now, enjoy the new chapter,


The back of my head was painfully throbbing and my neck felt no less pain, as I realized that I couldn't almost move it without irradiating the same aching sensation in my entire body. My eyes very slowly opened up and for a moment I was confused, not remembering what happened entirely, only fragments of images and then engulfing darkness. They opened with slow difficulty and then adjusted to the semi dimness of the room that I couldn't recognize. The place wasn't familiar and the room seemed rather bare, save for a few items I could barely see scattered around. It looked like some basement. Cold travelled my skin.

Where was I?

A slow and panicked chill of fear crawled down my spine like a small spider and then snatch my heart. I had no idea where I was but those fragments started to shape. I breathed short and controlled, afraid of making any noise, afraid of being noticed.

It all fell back in the same place and I shot my eyes completely open, wanting to move, but not at the same time, again afraid of being noticed. I was afraid of attracting unwanted attention. I knew who had taken me here and primal terror took possession of my entire body, almost tormenting me with pure and real physical agony. What has he done? He had probably lost his mind and it was not a problem of over drinking or twisted mind. It was a problem of having met a possible psychopath and someone that clearly suffered of dangerous and vicious mental disturbs. His eyes from last night haunted my mind and it was like seeing them once more, sickly snarling at me, sickly looking at me and I felt the cruel sadism in his voice.

Michael had lost his mind entirely and his eyes last night were so wide and shot with blood that I understood it was not a matter of alcohol anymore. He was probably making use of drugs. As I formed the thought in my mind, panic threatened to suffocate me. Michael had become too dangerous and completely out of control. Last night he hit me with such ferocious strength that a blow had thrown me on the ground: what could he do to me? What would he do to me?

I had to leave and I had to get out of here and free myself, because I couldn't stay in the hands of such man...the idea terrorized and the mere thought of what he might do to me almost made feel like throwing up. My heart began to beat fast, very fast, too fast and I was breathing in short, rugged breaths, almost choking on it. Why hadn't I taken a taxi? Why had I walked home alone? I had to calm down, because in this way nothing would do me good. I forced myself in slowing down my breathing because it was making me dizzy and I willed my thoughts and mind to Roman. My love and my soul...the mere idea of him helped me in finding some presence of mind.

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