CH. 15 Instinct never lies

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Hello dear all, as you can see from my status, today I am updating this story and we have another long chapter where we see how the encounter with Enna' father is going. Sorry for making you wait longer than expected, but didn't have time to update before.

I really hope you'll enjoy it and I'll be looking forward to reading your comments on the chapter to see what you think about it :-) Thank you sooooo much for them and for your messages!!!

On the right a picture of EAMON O'KELLEY, Enna's FATHER --> Liam Neeson

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to nullfuncion8 as a big THANK YOU for reading and commenting my story! xox



Eamon O’Kelley was a calm and collected man that could swear and cuss worse than a sailor when the situation called for it, with his face becoming tremendously red for the anger; but he wasn’t a violent person, as he knew violence solved nothing. He loved his two kids with all his heart and even though they were both already out and working, for him they would always be his kids; he had lost his wife many years ago and it affected all of them, because she was a kind and warm person that resembled the sun and losing her so quickly, without being able to actually understand what was happening had been shocking. The cancer developed suddenly and when the doctor diagnosed it, unfortunately it had already spread in a vital organ and there was little to nothing to do about it.

She died in a few months and Ciara and Enna almost didn’t realize what was happening, but they had their father at their sides and together they made it.

He had served the Irish Army since he could remember and that took time away from his family, as he had been involved in operations in Northern Ireland and peace-keeping missions around the world; but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a good father, for he loved his family more than life itself. His family was his life and losing his wife meant a piece of his life being painfully torn away. Even though Enna and Ciara were already adult and about to start their own life, he felt the need to leave his job and start a new life in the quiet country side of Ireland working as farmer and growing vegetables. He had lost the interest for his job and now he just wanted to be with his son and daughter.

Enna and Ciara were amazing and very special and he knew about their sexual orientation, as they never had secrets, because he believed in speaking face to face and confronting every matter with rationality and serenity. It wasn’t so easy at first to understand the situation, especially considering the strict and overly religious background of his family, but what was he going to do? To hate his two kids just because they loved someone of their same sex?

He didn’t remember Jesus saying anything of the sort in the New Testament and he didn’t remember Jesus talking about hate, as he only talked about love and understanding and compassion. And how could he hate his own flesh and blood, his life? His wife would have put up a strong fight for that, because she did not care about their sexual orientation and when they came out, she simply hugged them and said she would always be at their sides.

She indeed was a wonderful and special woman, and of course she was always right.

So Eamon O’Kelley took time to understand what homosexuality meant and little by little he grew more comfortable around the argument and would openly talk with his children about their relationships and likings. Enna and Ciara were his light, his life, his air and his everything. Whenever he heard someone judging them or chastising them for their orientation, he would tell the person off, one of the rare moments where he would break his calm and composed self and swear more than a sailor. His wife never really appreciated the cursing, but when you are married to a captain of the Army, well, you need to get used to it and Eamon sure had a colourful set of swears.

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