CH. 4 Two lives, two worlds

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Hello dear all, as you can see I am updating the story very soon and I really hope you'll enjoy this chapter, which is another rather intense and rich of information.

We will see how different are Enna's and Roman's lives, how parallel they move on and live. What will happen when crossing such parallel lines? Let me please know what you think of the chapter and thank you very much for all your wonderful comments and messages, I try my best to answer all of them...thank you!!

On the right a picture of Michael --> Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to lifeisabitch1 as a huge thank you hon for your comments and yep, that's the surprise I was talking about, hope you'll enjoy it xox

N.B. Please, note to pay great attention at the place and time of the different POVs and actions...that's important to understand the whole chapter and story. Thank you!

Now... enjoy!



I was sitting on a hospital bed waiting for the nurse to complete her job with my wound. It was a private clinic that paid us good money and got itself great deals thanks to our support; a public hospital was out of question and never stood unprofessional idiots going around wounds. It was a mere scratch, as the bullet went out and didn’t hit anything vital or important, just flesh and muscles, but no nerves and veins. Anton insisted to have it clean and stitched and so now I was here wasting time. He stood there with the phone we found before and kept studying those numbers and put them for me in my laptop. I was going to get into that later on.

“Why Ireland?” He only muttered, knowing it wasn’t anything compromising to ask, since we were not alone in the room, even though it was as clear as day light what we were. The nurse did not miss the tattoos I had over my body.

“No idea.” I simply said and that was true.

Why a Chechen group would repetitively call some numbers in Ireland? It didn’t make sense, because I was expecting Russia, Belorussia or some Southern Asian country, but not Europe. I mean, not even Romania or Bulgaria, but Ireland. I tried hard to make connections, but at the moment I couldn’t get anything making sense. Unless ... that could not be. Shit. If what I thought was right, it meant we really were in deep shit and war would come very soon. I only shifted my eyes on Anton and he stared at me in silence and then sighed.

He understood what I had in mind and from his glance I knew he grasped the gravity of the situation.

The nurse diligently cleaned my wound and then tempted a shy smile, but I had no time to waste with a woman now. My eyes froze her and her fingers trembled when she went to collect the instruments to apply the stitches.

“I don’t need anaesthetic. Just stitch it and let’s get over with this, is that understood?” I told her with severe tone of voice.

“Yes sir.” She barely whispered and finally proceeded with her job.

Anton shook his head and smirked. I knew this girl here was his type with the black hair, tanned complexion and transparent blue eyes. He was right in a way, because I could see she had a nice body, but right now my mind was elsewhere.

“How is your friend doing over there?” I casually asked him and he smirked, realizing I couldn’t wait to get hold on information and put my hands on the traitors.

The needle went inside my flesh and outside it and then again, but I felt nothing because my whole body and adrenaline were concentrating on tonight’s events. I remembered that in Ireland lived a huge shot that manoeuvred threads of drug business with the rest of Europe, mostly Western Europe. I did not know names or places, simple rumours about it, but they weren’t just rumours, they were certain facts. And what made it dangerous was the fact that someone like that dealer was not going to taint his hands with a new group of Chechens; someone else higher and more powerful was involved and when that doubt crossed my mind...I hoped it was a mistake.

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