CH. 8 That's who I am

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Hello dear all :-) Today I am updating this story and probably tomorrow I'll update something else, hope you'll be happy about it.

This is a chapter that starts with an external POV, which is basically the author, me, describing from outside and letting you know how things are from a different perspective and then we have more action into Roman. Hope you'll enjoy it, let me know with your comments! Thank you so much for the love you are showing for this story... it's simply amazing!

On the right a picture of CILLIAN (ENNA's BEST FRIEND)  --> Kit Harington

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to LUXURY123 as a huge thanks for your lovely comments, I'm happy you enjoy my stories, thanks! xox

Now, leave you to this new chapter.



Roman closed the door of the apartment behind his back and silently walked down the stairs, making sure no one was around. It was early in the morning, but people might be already awaken and therefore he took extra care in acting silent and guarded as usual, making sure nobody would see him exiting the building where Enna lived.

He sighed silently and let out a mute breath and then, without looking back because that would mean further guilt and regret and pain, he walked away and decided to go for some small alleys and after walking for an hour and having changed completely area, he stopped in a shop to get a coffee. While drinking the hot liquid his thoughts helplessly ran to that ethereal and beautiful creature, that angel. Enna.

Roman felt something inside him scream and twist, but he firmly ordered himself to ignore it.

Last night he committed a rather dangerous mistake, in involving someone like that angel with himself and risking compromising the whole business he came here for. He gulped down the coffee and reprimanded his own unforgivable behaviour and vowed to never let emotions and feelings rule his mind and blood ever again. He sure kept sharp last night, that was true and he would have noticed Mikhail in case he showed up, but that wasn’t an excuse to justify what he had done.

He had to swallow down the sudden rush of anger burning his veins.

Enna was in his mind, in his blood, in his heart, in his dark and ruined soul...Enna had become part of him and he could not let go of that thought. Why someone like that angel had to exist and cross his path? And why couldn’t he contain his desire last night? Simply thinking about that man’s fair skin and the way his eyes and lips smiled he felt burning. Those lips...those glossy and inviting lips.

“I should have tasted them”. This was his thought.

“Yes, I should have tasted, because I will never see him again and never get to know how they feel”. This was his other thought.

But Roman was a man of his word and a man that never let his urges confuse him. Almost, he would say.

But last night he perfectly knew it wasn’t just about urges and desire and mere lust. Oh no, there was so much more than just the momentary craving for sex or for taking Enna for hours and hours, losing his mind in that man’s moans and sensual motions, the way his body shifted and curved under his touch and penetration.

Yes, there was so much.

Roman had felt a pull, he had felt some impossible to explain attraction that had nothing to do with physical desire. It was as if Enna had touched his soul and wrapped his long and slender fingers around it and pulled it out.

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