CH. 11 No more turning back

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Good morning dear all, sorry for not updating last night, but the system was going under some maintenance works and so couldn't post it. But here it comes and I hope you'll enjoy it, as it is a rather emotionally intense chapter. Let me know!

Thank you for your messages and for your comments, I absolutely adore and love them! Sorry for not answering all the comments recently, but it's quite the hectic time.

I won't say much about this, I'll leave to you to read it and enjoy it :-)

On the right, an amazing banner made from JUURIKURAN and look at the quote on it..thanks dear, I love it <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to missycatcar as a thank you for your comments and for reading all of my stories...thank you, hope you'll enjoy it!

Then, a special thought goes to Purva194 and you know why babbu...hugs to you!



"Duty, love, death and angels ... Which one would you choose?"

That evening the rain kept pouring and sloshing down Dublin without the shortest break; it was heavy, cold and loud and it almost engulfed every other sound and light, for it was a dark evening of late November. The wind didn’t help, but there wasn’t much to do. Welcome to Ireland.

Enna had worked till late because they had many customers and as usual the owner didn’t manage the appointment correctly and so Enna and colleagues had to literally work their ass off, running from one person to another, making sure everything was perfect and done in the correct way, and making sure the client was happy and satisfied; Enna would never let a customer set foot out of the salon if not satisfied and happy. Enna himself had to feel pleased with his job. And he loved his job, therefore didn’t sure complain and the more he was busy and running, the less he had free time to think about that man.


Almost two weeks had passed since that night and if he had a hope to see him, now he knew it would never happen. And how would that possibly happen? He probably didn’t even remember his name anymore. As usual he sighed silently and pushed his hair in the hood and peeked at the heavy and dark sky.

No moon, no stars tonight.

He was walking back and if he were a person easy to curse, he would have cursed like a sailor the heavy rain and the fact the train of the LUAS had to stop for a breakdown and that meant walking under such weather. But he just pulled over the hood, opened the umbrella and quickly walked to his apartment. He finally reached it and the evening felt so dark, cold and lonely...Enna felt lonely, for reasons he couldn’t explain even to himself; no that was a lie, for he knew the reasons very well. He juggled with the keys of the main door, the umbrella, the bag with the food and his own bag; he pushed his bag over his arm, stuck the key in the door, decided to leave the other bag on the ground, balanced the umbrella between his shoulders and face and went to push the door open. But he stopped and froze on the spot.

He heard that strong, compelling and filling voice calling his name with almost unnerving calm and intensity, even though his voice was not loud, just over the heavy rain.


At the sound of that voice calling his name, Enna felt like freezing and stopping for the shock and surprise, fearing it was just his imagination and the obsession he had developed for that man. The obsession and love he had developed for Roman. His entire lean and delicate looking figure froze and his hands trembled, while his breathing went irregular. Then his heart burst alive again and began to race crazily, along with his blood coursing through his body and making him vibrate and shiver in many emotions.

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