CH. 3 Those crossing paths

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Hello dear all, as promised yesterday, today I am updating "Fallen for an angel" and so we'll see more of Roman's world and we understand what led our sexy thug to fly to Dublin ...

Hope you'll enjoy it and won't it boring, sorry if you were expecting something else, but this chapter was necessary for the story and you'll understand why. Let me know what you think, thank yo so much for your comments and messages!!

On the right, a picture of Anton --> Viggo Mortensen

As you see,  I decided to put titles for each chapter, so maybe you want to check the previous ones :-)

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to AraMiAmor as a sincere thank you for you comments! xox





Anton and I ended our jobs on perfect time and made sure the delivers would reach the places by next Thursday. I made a phone call and ordered a couple of men to help in the process, to allow the casinos to be perfectly filled by Friday, when big shots were expected to come. The mess caused last week was cleaned up and made sure something of the sort will never occur again. I believe my message had been understood clearly.

Anton collected money from a couple of stores that recently had created quite irritating and useless problems; I never get what was the point in refusing to pay. If they weren’t going to pay us, they were going to pay someone else and that someone else wasn’t going to treat them nicer and be sure of my words when I say I was probably the less sadistic bastard out there. They knew what to expect from me and if they paid and behaved according the rules, they could go on living their lives like nothing. I didn’t care if they had a beautiful daughter or wife. It meant nothing to me. But that meant something for other people and an easy way to obtain more and more. I wasn’t going to use the family; my threats on the persona in question were enough to keep them obedient and Anton proceeded in the same way.

But of course you had to count in the troublemaker, the person that thought of fighting corruption and wrong with all their strength, the person that decided to change this world. Somehow I found them interesting, because they showed to have morals, their own minds and strong personalities, but it all was worthless and simply misused and brought me a pain in the ass and waste of time. See, so better just pay and stay silent and the threat of calling the police only had me almost laughing.

The police, nice try. Our boss had placed a couple of interesting and generous envelops in the right pockets and we got few police officers informing us of their cases, development in the department, who changed in the highest ranks and the usual business you need to be informed of. It was actually very useful and spared us considerable and precious time.

I waited for him outside the store and when he came back with a visible amused smirk, I knew the whole affair went as planned and he got some fun for himself.

“What made you smile like that?” I enquired him while pulling the car on the street.

“Nothing much, I just numbered few things I enjoy doing on corpses and that I might as well enjoy doing on still warm and pulsing bodies in case they would decide to rant out to wrong people and refuse to pay our organization. Oh dear friend, you should have seen their faces. Sometimes I should bring a camera with me to immortalise their expressions.” He let out a dry laugh and then handed me the envelope packed with money. I shook my head as to say to keep it. “Next store you want to play the bad-boy part? Your face might be enough to convince them, given they have two rather young and beautiful daughters.”

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