CH. 9 Words only for me

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Hello dear all, so I'm finally updating as my status says.. :-) Sorry for the long wait, but had no time at all and I was travelling around.

Now I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and won't find it boring, hope so at least, so please let me know with your amazing comments and messages, which I really love to read! THANK YOU all of you for being such wonderful fans and readers!

In this chapter we have an external POV which is important and then Enna POV and how will he feel? Well, let's see it here...

On the right a picture of PRIYA, ENNA'S FRIEND --> Deepika Padukone

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to xoxkalin614xox as a big thank you for commenting and reading my stories: THANKS!! xox



The man stepped inside the room with other two men, one right beside him and the other one guarding the door, holding a weapon tightly and carefully peeking outside. Igor looked up from his computer and cursed his bad luck in his mind; this was going to be a tough and shitty day, if he was going to see the end of this day, of course. But he wasn’t going to sell info out, because in case everything went according Roman’s plan, whatever his plans were and wherever he was, this would turn out in a very unpleasant and painful accident.

Igor had witnessed Roman’s cold blood and knew that once you crossed his line, you were simply fucked and dead. No kidding here, pal, and no turning back.

That man wasn’t someone to anger or to make your enemy, even if that might cost you some pain at first; well, that would be nothing compared to what he would make you go through. Roman actually was a man of principles and had scruples, even though he did not know it himself; he had once witnessed that man saving a young girl from prostitution, taking the blame and almost taking a bullet. But for some reasons Igor knew how Roman hated prostitution and the way men treated and exploited women and sometimes even other men or youngsters. He simply found it wrong and sick, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Igor respected Roman and he would never cross his paths or turn into an enemy or traitor.

Thus now he took a silent breath and stood up squaring his shoulders and walking around his desk and meeting those two at the centre of his room.

“Hello Igor, what a pleasure to see you.” The man smiled a vicious and mellifluous smile and sat on an armchair right in front of the window. He should have changed the code of the main door, but he knew they would have gotten inside anyway. “I trust you are good and healthy?”

He sure was until few seconds ago, but not so sure how this will change.

“Hello, I’m good and so are my businesses. What’s up with this sudden visit? Need some good fake documents?” Better play it cool.

The other man stood right beside the armchair and simply smirked in that usual way, saying nothing much and simply making sure to show the gun he had under his jacket.


Disgusting and low piece of shit.

Ungrateful and dirty rat.

That’s what Igor thought about that man, but it was all in his mind.

“We are actually here for some business and we need to know about some fake documents you forged recently, we need names.”

Igor took a silent breath and looked straight in the eyes of the man smirking in front of him with a clear threatening stance.

“I am not sure how I can help you with this and it’s rather complicated to keep track of all the documents I forged, since it’s a lot of them and you well know that sometimes I even get it from anonymous clients or have to make many of them at once.” He tried to buy time thinking about a way to get out of this, since he understood what they were after. He wasn’t going to say a word, or so he thought.

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