CH. 25 Slowly tying loose threads

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Dear All,

I am very sorry it took so long to post this new chapter. I will concentrate on this story more now because we are about to reach its conclusion, so I'm trying to plan the future remaining few chapters.

I really hope you will enjoy this new one and I will be looking forward to reading your comments :-) Thank you very much for your votes, reads, comments and support: it all means A LOT to me.

I have attached a picture of Anton (--> very handsome Viggo Mortsensen, who's an amazing actor and one of the most handsome and fascinating men in my opinion) and then a song that seemed to fit the chapter.

I would like to dedicate it to all of you as a sincere THANK YOU and in particular to my dear Theo_Quinn as a huge THANKS for your comments and support and because I think you'll like this chapter. Also, please note that our dear Theo is a writer, so let's show him our support!

Now, enjoy the new chapter!


Anya sat beside the bed for already four days with breaks due to her working shifts, and she had prayed each day. When she found him on that street of the outskirts of Kiev, he really looked dead and the amount of blood lost had been considerable. He had needed immediate intense care and blood transfusion; he was unconscious for almost two days and she still couldn't believe when he first opened his eyes and smiled at her. Four days passed since that terrible moment and Anya knew that sooner or later the promise made to the doctor would have to be fulfilled.

She shuddered at the idea in pure disgust, but the veiled provocations and menaces were there in each word and look he gave her. If she wasn't going to give in very soon, he would expose her and the man lying on the bed.

Or worse...far worse and she knew he would be capable of. She had heard rumours about him and they weren't only mere, unfounded gossips. Anya had not missed the way he sometimes looked at young interns and nurses. She gulped silently and looked at her hands to find some composure and presence of mind. Panicking would not solve anything; thinking a way out might help.

She looked back at Anton and felt like smiling at seeing him there, breathing and alive. It was a miracle they were able to hospitalize him without anybody asking questions or posing problems, but it had been arranged earlier. Anton had taken precise precautions before the shooting happened and she knew it; he had explained her that his life was in danger and that he was expecting to be backstabbed very soon. It was a matter of acting before hands and creating an escape route. He had somehow arranged everything before he was shot almost to death and, with her help the escape route was successfully made. She shook her head and swallowed down hard, thinking at what had happened.

The bullet proof vest had saved his life, just as he had planned and predicted, but what would have happened if she had arrived too late? Or what would have happened if they would have shot him in the head? He had gambled greatly, but apparently that was his way of living.

She sighed out loud and shook her head. Had she really fallen in love with such man? She was aware that this love would find no fulfilment, for it wouldn't be possible to stay beside him.

Now Anton lay there still sleeping and looking very pale. Anya knew that a different person would have been dead already, but apparently he was very strong and determined. Anton had been determined not to die in such way and he actually told her so. He wasn't going to die like some dog on the street, killed by a rat that betrayed the entire organization.

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