CH. 18 And so the game begins

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Dear all, as the status promised, today I am updating this story and I am terribly SORRY for the long wait. It was NOT intentional, but I really just lacked the time for writing. But here is a long and intense chapter with many things happening and I really hope you'll enjoy and like it!

Let me know what you think please with your wonderful comments and messages, THANK YOU!! I totally LOVE them! You are always such enthusiastic fans!!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to rain_water as a THANK YOU for your precious work with the libraries and for the awesome pictures you provide in your forum thread and then SHOUT-OUT to her BOOK: if you have QUESTIONS for our librarian, go check her "ASK THE LIBRARIAN" !! Check it out!

On the right a beautiful banner TheyCallMeMuffin made for me: thank you very much! xox

And now, enjoy!


The man stepped over the passport control and subtly indulged in a dry and sly smile when everything went smooth. No doubt about that, because he never crossed paths with the police and he was a real professional that knew how to keep his identity safe. Four were his different identities and four was the perfect number he could manage in a flawless way. A chill of cold excitement travelled his body as he paused a moment on the task he was ordered to perform; taking down such high and important shot would considerably increase his rank and reputation, and as well money. Yes, eliminating such subject meant the hit man could easily ask for higher tariff. Another dry and sly smile and then he was off.

The hit-man had received basically two distinct orders.

One was to deal with that Roman with the stars, but not killing him. Apparently that Ruslan had his own reasons for wanting to give the man the final shot and why deprive someone of their own fun? It was a minor inconvenience and meant extra work and care, but that would add to the final amount. The second was to gather information about a certain small dealer that seemed to be creating some small nuisance. The person that contacted the hit-man with that task had a rather twisted mind and asked to find the weak spot of said nuisance in order to exploit it. The man couldn’t understand why to play such subtle game; a bullet and the problem was solved, but indeed he understood a lot of money and a war for power and territory were involved and it wasn’t his place to question a job. His duty was to efficiently perform the task.

And the hunt had finally begun.

No hostages would be taken. Only dead trophies.

It was a sick but very exciting game: kill or be killed. And the man lived for that game.

First he would take care of that Sergey Balanov and retrieve the information necessary to find Roman with the stars and the idea gave him a subtle shiver of pleasure, because he had found some interesting facts about that unimportant pawn. The joy of the social networks, where people would post pictures and personal interests and data. He had obviously found out where he lived and where he worked, because you couldn’t be a highly required hit-man if you couldn’t find that little; but he was not expecting the man to be so careless. For someone that had left such previous life he was exposing himself too much and why the necessity of finding a partner? A waste of time, sure, but a very exciting piece of information. The hit-man had found the Achilles heel and was going to use it as he pleased. He wasn’t sure whether Roman with the stars had met with that man or not, or where he was, but it was worth try it, as it was the only easy link he had. If luck decided to stick with him, this job would be faster than expected, because he had to admit he could not find any trace of that Roman. Ah, he really was a professional and men like him deserved the best treatment; too bad he could not kill him himself.

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