CH. 19 Behind the mask

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Hello dear all, so as the status says, tonight I am updating this story and here it comes. We will have some answers in here. I really hope you'll enjoy the chapter! I don't feel saying much about this.. I'll be hearing from you.

Let me know what you think of it with your lovely comments and messages, which I really enjoy and love reading! THANK YOU!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to SM1129 as a thank you for your comments and for reading my stories and in the intention to make you smile :-)

On the right, a picture of ROMAN wearing a fancy suit.



My body automatically spun around and a radiant smile formed on my face at the thought of Roman. My eyes twinkled in excitement and I went to greet him first, but I froze and my mouth went suddenly dry, impossible to swallow down what I felt in my mouth.

“Michael.” I breathed out with a barely audible sound.

I looked around and saw I was alone on the street, as it was rather late and most of the people residing here might be enjoying dinner in their houses.

It was just Michael and me.

“Enna, we are finally alone.”

“Michael...” I barely breathed out, as my blood froze.

What was he doing here? What did he want? I wasn’t afraid of him, but I came to learn that he had a very twisted obsession for me, for reasons impossible to understand.

We were completely alone and I held my breath as he took a step forward, me taking one backward as instinctive reaction, but I commanded my body to immediately stop. Showing any sort of fear or intimidation, real or not, would only play for his game. I had to stand in front of him and deal with this myself. A chilly shiver crawled down my spine as a devious smile formed on his lips, as a hand moved to catch a strand of my hair, but I stopped it. The idea of being touched by him was unbearable and it triggered a hidden anger I never knew to possess.

“Enna, we are finally alone.” He took another step and my hand rose in front of me as to mark the limit.

“What do you want? I have no time to discuss anything with you. We have nothing to talk about. You hit me two times when we were together and I cannot call that a form of love.”

The smile almost cracked in a sneer and I felt painful cold grasping my body, which had nothing to do with the first flakes of snow silently falling down around us. He recomposed his expression and chuckled.

“I apologized for hitting you, Enna. The first time was an accident, you remember?”

“An accident due to your state of drunkenness.” I icily replied and witnessed how his upper lip twitched and almost curled up in a grimace.

“It was just an accident because you were deceiving me and I felt lonely.”

This was enough. I had to leave and now, because I could see where this conversation was going to lead and there was no way it could be tolerated. Deceiving? He was so obsessed and controlling that he would snap even when my father called. I had been so stupid and naive for thinking he could change; men like him never change, as they can only worsen.

“This is it, I’m going home and you will leave, Michael. Now.” I went to move, but he grabbed my wrist, again with that vicious grip that made my skin irk for the touch, so I jerked free and it worked. My blood pulsed faster in me and I could hear it thundering in my ears, almost choking every other sound down. “I said, leave Michael. Now.” He smirked and again tried to catch my arm, but I walked back and kept distance. “Let go and leave.” I ordered.

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