CH. 28: I am Roman with the Stars

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Dear All,

here comes a new chapter of "Fallen for an Angel" and I very much apologise for the long wait, but I really had no time in the past month. Too many things together. Sorry for the wait. But I have for you a very long chapter :-) Also, I will reply to all of your messages, thanks for your incredible patience and love!

I really hope you will enjoy it and I will be looking forward to reading your amazing comments, especially about this particular chapter that signs quite a strong turn in the story and in Enna and Roman.

Only a very few chapters are left, but I will tell you how many after CH.29 that I should be able to post this weekend. I will do my best to make it up for the long wait :-)

Thank you very much to all of you my dear readers for the love and support you show this story, you are all amazing!

I would like to dedicate this chapter to saltarlen as a way to thank you for your messages and because I know you have been waiting for this very long: I am sure you will enjoy it :-)

As picture, an imagine taken actually by the great movie "Eastern Promises", of the tattoos that Roman has on his knees. As song, one that I thought would well fit this particular chapter.

P.s. Follow my pages on Instagram and Facebook, if you wish :-)

And now, enjoy it!


That man called Ruslan forced us to board on a small, private jet and it was clear that he was someone to not provoke lightly. I had no idea how we left the country without many problems or without anybody checking us, but if I understood what kind of world my love came from, this man had probably bribed the right persons and had the right connections. For most of the flight he simply rested, apparently sleeping, but as soon as I tried to move as the restraints on my wrists were painful, biting on my flesh, he stood up, grabbed my hair viciously, forcing my head to snap back and to stare at him, and he threatened me with a very sharp knife.

"Don't get funny ideas or else I will already have some fun with you. For a man you look very fuckable, you know?" He spoke with a very hard accent and I couldn't understand all of his words, but it didn't matter: the message was clear and I sure didn't wish to die here or to get touched by such man. He understood I was a man after some time he had kidnapped us and for a while he enjoyed tossing vulgar jokes at me, but as I gave him no response, he soon stopped it. He looked even worse and more violent than Michael.

Nevertheless, in that moment I felt no fear.

I moved my gaze to him and felt nothing, only deep hatred for what he had done to my dear friend, for how he had killed her so mercilessly. She hadn't deserved that end and why she had to pay for this? Why she had to pay for our mistakes? I stared at that man that looked like killing was his favourite activity and for a moment I felt the impulse to hit him, but to what end? My body was empty and it moved around like some marionette, without knowing who actually pulled my strings. I looked into those murderous eyes and they didn't scare me.

His words didn't scare me and if he dared to touch me, I would kill him the first occasion I was going to have.

The death of my friend broke something inside of me and I knew I wasn't going to be the same anymore. But it also awakened something in me completely that I felt only when my love killed Michael. I knew that I needed Roman and that only Roman was going to give me back that lost piece of myself, even though that piece was never going to be the same. It would always be chipped and dented. It would always remind me of the loss of my dearest friend and of my incapability to do anything to prevent it.

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