CH. 24 The shadows in our souls connect our hearts

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Dear All,

as promised, I posted a new chapter of"Fallen for an Angel" and I hope you will enjoy it. Let me know what you think of it, I enjoy reading your comments and messages, you know that :-)

I won't say much about this update and let you simply read its events and feel the emotions.

I have selected a picture that, in my mind, recalls how Roman might see Enna in a specific moment of the chapter. Let's see if you also share the same impression. I opted for a song that seemed to fit it perfectly.

Let me please thank you for the support and sweetness you always show me, with your comments, your messages, your votes, by reading my stories: THANK YOU! My Cat purrs pleased ^^

CH.24 is DEDICATED to each of you reading and loving this story.

Now I'll leave you to it,


I stared at the food and felt a bad taste in my mouth: I wasn't going to touch it and not eating it would lead to vicious consequences, but it didn't matter. I kept waiting and waiting in that dark room for what seemed to be endless and torturing time, feeling the cold crawling my skin and sinking deep into my heart. It gave the impression of soon going to split in many frozen pieces for how cold it felt. I had tried to remove the restraints in every possible way and it actually had slashed my skin. Tears of frustration had rolled down my face, because it was tearing me apart to think there was no way out of here. I had tried everything in my power, but the pipe must have been connected deep in the ground and the restraints too tight to give in.

I knew that my father and sister had by now started to look for me and that they would search everywhere. It was about time only and I still could not believe how Michael actually thought this would work out without problems. He had lost every sense of rationality or even of caution; he believed himself above law or limit. He always had an extreme arrogant side that stepped over normal and healthy self-confidence: Michael often regarded himself as someone that could always do as he pleased without fearing the consequences. I shivered remembering the time he had mistreated waiters and waitresses in many restaurants, never making a scene or attracting attention of course, but always making them feel like they had done something wrong. This was only the tip of what he had done and how badly and arrogantly he had behaved.

I shuddered and I could see my breath whenever I exhaled. It was completely dark in the room and I didn't like it. I was afraid of being in this place locked up and strapped. The sound of a car recalled back my thoughts and enhanced my fears. The heart beats seemed to count to seconds that Michael took to open that door. They echoed in my chest, in my mind...they felt dull and heavy. More cold wrapped around my body as I heard keys on the locker of the door, that odious mental clangour and the light switching on suddenly. My eyes jerked closed a moment for the sudden hit of the light and I heard him approaching.

"Maybe I should have left the light on?" He asked as if making normal and casual conversation.

I said nothing to that question and forced myself to actually turn my eyes to glance at him. His face looked throat was too dry to even swallow down. He stalked closer and closer and stopped right in front of me, his hand gripping my face and jerking it too close to his alcohol-reeking breath. I tried to control the instinctive reaction of pulling back and of sheer disgust, but I could not. I did not want to control it because the idea was enough to make my skin crawl in pure and deep revulsion. He grabbed me stronger and I repressed the cry of pain in feeling his fingers almost crushing my jaw.

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