CH. 17 Hunting the stars

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Hello dear all and sorry for the long wait in updating this story, but you already know I had been very busy and lacked the time.. but here comes a rather long and intense chapter, where..well, won't say a word, you'll see it.

I really hope you'll enjoy it and can't wait to read your comments and messages, because I really love them! Thank you so much for them and for being always so communicative and enthusiastic! Let me know what you think of the chapter, please!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to SarahJay5 as a huge THANK YOU for reading and commenting all of my stories, so happy you enjoy reading them! :-)

On the right, a wonderful banner Shifting2wolf made for me: thanks my dear xox

And now, enjoy!


We had dinner and I could see how dad was studying Roman and how he refrained from asking questions he knew Roman was not free to answer; I think he liked him, in a way, but he was still extremely worried about me for having understood in which world Roman lived and I had no more doubts of what they talked about in the bathroom, since we discussed it again it over dinner.

When Roman said he would leave in case things would turn out bad and police would pursue him, oh dear me, I thought for a moment my heart stopped completely, because the idea of not seeing him and not knowing what was happening to him was enough to turn me insane and there was no way I was going to follow that. He made a promise and I loved him even more in that moment when I realized he was serious and did it for me and only for me, worried to involve me in anything, but the truth was that I would wait for him. No matter what, I would wait for Roman even if that meant years. And he finally understood it and accepted it.

To be honest, I was worried for him, because the other night he had a very concerned and serious look and no need to ask what was wrong; I was afraid something would happen to him and the idea was about to have me out of mind, but I forced myself not to think about it.

Over thinking about something I could not control was not going to change anything and the conclusion was only to throw me in some tensed and edgy state that would ruin the time with Roman, because for some reason I could not explain I had a feeling telling me to spend as much time with Roman as possible. It was as if something whispering in my ear that soon he was going to leave and the idea threw me restless, but I locked it down and tried to ignore it. He was here with me right now and he clearly promised not to leave me and knew I would wait for him no matter what and no matter how long that would take. And he had been resolute and final with dad and I think that was what made my father like Roman.

I peered at my love and he probably felt it, because he turned his penetrating green eyes to me and smiled and my hand went to touch his hair, feeling the need to run my fingers in it, but I refrained from it, for the simple reason dad was in front of us and it was not nice to make him feel uneasy. Roman understood me at first and softened the smile of a small degree, for then winking and quickly smirking in that way that always made me feel completely naked and in his hands, my entire body feverish and my heart beating faster. Then his hand lingered a short moment on my knee and I had to swallow down, biting my lip, because the way his fingers felt on my leg had me almost trembling; it was clear how Roman felt and that he could not wait to be alone with me. When my eyes shifted to dad my face slightly blushed, since he had caught our exchange of glances.

“Well son, dinner was very good, now how about a good cup of coffee? Then I’ll leave you two alone and drive back.” He smiled and then looked at Roman. “You will take care of my Enna, understood?” My soul simply nodded and then his hand caressed my hair.

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