CH.30: A choice of duty and love

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Dear All,

Here comes a new chapter of "Fallen for an Angel" and I am very sorry for the wait, but last week I had to travel and aside that, it took me time to craft this chapter in a way that satisfied me.

It was not so easy because this in a way is the last chapter, as only two including epilogue are left; I believe you'll understand it by reading it.

I really hope you will enjoy it, so I will be looking forward to reading your comments, messages and seeing your votes: I absolutely enjoy your comments and I always try to reply them, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

This story really came to its conclusion and in a way it will be sad once I will post the epilogue, but all the stories need to reach their ending, as it will lead to new ones :-)

I would like to thank you all for your incredible and fantastic, magic support, for your love and patience and sweetness expressed in your messages.

I chose a song that seemed to fit this chapter and a banner that was done for me by a dear girl that was my friend here but that sadly I don't hear of anymore..I hope you are doing great my dear! I love your banners!

I dedicate this to all of you and in particular to saltarlen because I know how patiently you are waiting for this chapter (Sorry for the wait!!) and because it's my way to say I hug you and I hope all will soon become peaceful.

Ah, don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook, by just searching TheWitchAndTheCat :-) THANK YOU!

P.s. It's a LONG chapter, so make sure to not skip the last POVs, in case you see more space than usual between them :-)

And now, enjoy it!


Enna held tight on me and I kept my arm around his shoulders for a moment longer, feeling the tension in the air of the warehouse and knowing that soon the crossfire would start again. This temporary break was due to the fact that for a moment both sides needed to assess each other and decide how to move; and mostly, because that dead bastard's side realised their non-existent chances and they were probably trying to find a way to escape this place. It wasn't going to happen, because our men were placed outside guarding the possible exits and escape points. None of them was going to survive this and see the light of the new day.

Boss Boris wasn't going to grant them any mercy and why should he? He stood in a position where mercy in such situation would've only damaged him.

"What are we going to do?" Enna asked me and he was still shaking. I couldn't entirely imagine what was going on in his mind, because on this we were entirely different. I basically grew up in this world, while my angel...well, he came from a very different reality.

"We need to kill that woman and with that we'll be over. If we cut the head of the last snake, this entire situation will collapse." That was true, because we already got rid of their useless minions and they would never dare to challenge the organization another time. The boss would then take care of those small fries in Ireland, simply making a favour to Mr. Diaz, who would surely appreciate it. It was our boss duty and he only was the one that could have directly approached a man standing in his same position.

"She used Cillian," Enna whispered and his voice, even if very quiet, resonated of the anger and resentment he felt for that woman. In that moment he might have wished to kill her because of what happened to his two friends, but even if he had the occasion, I would never let him dirty his hands for such worthless people.

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