CH. 7 Forgive and forget

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Hello dear all :-) So today I am updating "Fallen for an angel" and we have here a rather intense chapter, which I hope you'll all enjoy...

I won't say much about it, but let you read it first and then hope to hear what you think about from your wonderful comments, so let me know! And thank you for your lovely messages and everything!! :-)))

On the right an amazing banner Klovis made for me, thanks darl, I love it <3 <3

Dedicated to all of you fans of Enna and Roman and in particular to you bunny, Purva194, because I am sure you'll appreciate this chapter <3

And now, enjoy!


Roman seized me with a deep and consuming long glance and then tossed my top somewhere in the room. He took that step back to me and in a blink I found myself in his arms.

“Enna?” I knew what he meant with that.

“I want you, Roman. So take me.” I said with final tone, boring my eyes on his.

He held my stare and kept silent for long seconds; I felt again that pull, a pull that wasn’t only simple physical attraction and I knew he felt the same. It was as if our hearts called for each other, demanded our souls to finally connect.

“As you wish, my angel.”

And at those words I knew I already belonged entirely, soul and body, to this man.

I laced my arms around his neck and bent closer to softly trace a line on his skin with my nose and I heard a low and tremendously sexy growl rumbling in his throat. My nose travelled up to his earlobe and there I let first my lips, then my teeth, tease the soft lobe and the moment the tip of my tongue joined my teeth in the teasing process, Roman stopped and when I peeked at his face his eyes were closed and he was breathing deeper.

“Enna...” His voice was husky and sensual that I decided to tease him more, to see that expression of pure lustful restrain and hear his growls.

The tip of my tongue traced his neck and I felt hotter, as if he was the one touching me; his hands tightened the grip on my shoulders and thighs and he slightly bent his head to the side to give me more access and I took complete advantage of it, crawling up and now licking the line of his ear, softly breathing on it. My blood was pulsing so fast and loud in my head that had me almost deaf; I felt something slowly shifting in me and filling my body and my veins.

It was desire and want to drive this man here completely crazy.

His breathing went heavier and right when I slipped my wet tongue in his ear, sinking my fingers in his soft black hair, he groaned and jerked me away. We exchanged a heated and consuming glance and I found myself shamelessly panting and craving for his touch. I pulled his head back on me and he suddenly began to walk and then he probably kicked the door of my bedroom open and placed me down on my bed. His actions were clearly driven by primal desire, but they weren’t harsh and hurtful on me. He actually treated me with impossible attention and protectiveness and that was something I had never experienced before.

Roman loomed over me with his arms on each side of my shoulders and stared at me in silence, but roaming my half naked body with exciting intensity. He sat on his heels over my hips, but not pressuring me with his weight and then I felt his hands on me and I just threw my head back and moaned arching my back like a cat; I couldn’t wait any longer and the way his fingers touched my heated skin, softly but assertively going up and down, had me about to lose my last drop of rationality.

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