CH. 20 Red as fear, white as love

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Dear all, here comes a new chapter of "Fallen for an angel" and I really hope you'll enjoy it. I won't say anything about it, as you'll read what happens in here. Sorry for the late update, but I couldn't make it before.

Let me know what you think with your comments and msg and votes, since I really love reading them and try to answer them as much as I can :-) Thank you very much!!

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to azer90 as a huge THANK YOU for the amazing banners you make for me honey and for your comments! Love them! <3

On the right, an amazing banner/possible new cover azer90 made for me, thanks hon!



The phone rang and the woman first looked at the ID call and then answered, knowing what that was about. She had been waiting for that information with almost growing impatience, but she knew patience was the key and that was the reason she kept everyone working for her under a strict iron fist. If they were going to lose their minds and act harshly, things would blow right in their face and all of what had been achieved in the past year would be wasted.

“Have you got something?” The woman enquired as she walked to the window and gazed the dark city living out there.

“Yes, there is an interesting weak spot to use.”

The satisfied smiled forming on her beautiful face reflected the matching feeling as her mind immediately thought of the best way to get her personal revenge. And the best way to exploit it under different circumstances, because everything could be used more than once, precisely when it was needed.

“Very well and what is it? Family? Girlfriend?”

“Not exactly girlfriend, but a girl he seems to love. I have observed them together one day and yes, he certainly seems in love with that girl.”

The woman chuckled humourlessly and looked at her shining red nails, swinging her long hair behind her shoulders, as the city shun of evening lights and cars crowded the streets of Kiev.

“Love, something that never bothered me. In any of its pathetic and useless form.”

“May I ask you why not dealing with a bullet? I could do the job in a matter of a second.”

“I know, but it would not be interesting. You see, this person tried to pull back right in the middle of some important business and almost stalled all the dealings because he had a sudden change of mind, which changed once more pretty soon, from what I have heard.”

And let’s not forget that man deliberately dared to turn her down when she felt in the right mood and chose him to entertain her for the staying in that boring country. That little cockroach was going to pay for this and in the worse way. He would witness what it meant to dare refuse her...yes, and witness what could be done to his precious little princess. Of course only when the right moment to use that card would present, not before, not after. Only in the right time.

“Have you collected all the information we need?”

“Not yet, but I will in a matter of a day or two. Do not doubt it.”

“Oh I know; you will not fail me. I want them as soon as possible.” She laughed, an empty and devious sound. The sound of snake intent to devour its own prey. “And the other job?”

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