CH. 27: The nightmare of an angel

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Dear All,

I am finally able to update this story and with this chapter, I would like to wish you all a Happy and Serene New Year :-)

I am sorry for the long wait, but please be sure and aware that I have NOT lost interest or inspiration in writing my stories: it simply was a very busy and tiring moment, which led to no free time for my beloved writing. However, here is a new chapter and I really hope you will enjoy it, as you will see it contains rather strong moments.

I will be looking forward to reading your reactions and comments about this rather striking chapter, which really leads us toward the very end, as you know I love your comments!

I would like to thank all of you for your endless and incredible, amazing support, love and energy: you are all amazing! So I dedicate this chapter to all of you and in particular to dear ChrisAlbert as a sincere and big thank you for your interest, support and for comments and votes: THANK YOU!

A picture of Roman (--> handsome model Luke Armitage that vaguely reminds me of the image I have of Roman, as you might know it's not easy to find the perfect fitting face) and then a song that has a rhythm fitting the emotions of this chapter.

I really hope you'll enjoy it and once more: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!


When Cillian left I did not know what to think about discovering him in possession of Roman's picture and I had no idea how I managed to act relatively calm around him and my sister. I couldn't involve her into this, because if what I feared was correct, then she'd better stay far away from our friend. I still couldn't believe he had a picture of Roman and mostly, I couldn't understand why he lied to me in such blatant way. Something crossed his face as we looked at each other the moment he caught me with the photo in my hands and my greatest fear was that he understood I knew Roman.

Of course, he realized that I know Roman, because the shock was yes momentary, yet so wild and painfully evident on my face that there was no chance he had missed it. I should have covered my reactions and feelings better, I should have forced myself to hide it, could I have done it? It was the last thing I had ever imagined. My friend involved in a world that could get him killed without many compliments and then, what actually really shocked me was to discover that he was cooperating with people that with all chances were trying to kill my love. The look on his face as he eyed the picture was what made me grasp the excruciating truth.

This could not be possible: my best friend couldn't be involved with people wanting to eliminate my Roman.

I rubbed my hands over my face and pressed the heels of my hands on my closed eyes, trying to fight my emotions, for this was more than possible. I had to accept the fact that Cillian was part of that dangerous world for reasons I couldn't possibly guess and he stood, in a way or another, against my love. I sunk my hands harder in my eyes trying to suppress the tears I felt forming in them. Somehow, I felt terribly silly for crying and I had to stop it.

This was the worst nightmare, because if I had to choose between Roman and Cillian I had neither doubts nor regrets in saying that I would always and only choose my Roman.

I sighed out loud and slumped on the chair of the kitchen where I was alone, as Ciara had gone to bed, and then I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned around the concerned face of my dad stared at me with tired eyes. He must have understood that something was off with me because I knew it was almost impossible to conceal something like that in front of him.

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