Chapter 1

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“Louis you can’t do this to me!” Eleanor whispered sharply into my ear.

“Shh, we’ll talk about this later.” I said trying to put on my fake smile as the paparazzi took more pictures. “I’m sorry.” I whispered into her ear making it look like I was whispering my love and devotion to her but it was the complete opposite. She put on her sunglasses and took my hand. I let her lead the way and I could tell she was about to break down. She led us to the car and the paps followed. I got in the driver’s seat and started the car.  Just as I was about to reverse I heard soft sobbing.

“Hun, please don’t cry.” I begged.

“Don’t call me Hun! Just take me back to the apartment!” I hesitated but followed her instructions and drove off. Whenever El was in London she would stay with me and the rest of the boys. I hoped that she wouldn’t start any problem with them…

The car ride was depressing and awkward. I could only hear her soft sobs and anytime I tried to comfort her she would reject my attempts. Luckily we got to the apartment soon and Eleanor immediately jumped out of the car and ran into the apartment. I slowly followed her; silently wishing things could have gone differently. As soon as I entered I saw Harry. He was standing by the door, waiting for me. As soon as I closed the door he roughly hugged me and for a second I thought he would never let go. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and his soft curls lightly tickled my face.

“You told her.” He whispered. It was like a question but a statement. He knew I was going to tell her today.

“Yeah…I think I’m going to have to talk to her and calm her down.” He hesitantly let go of me and I then realised Niall, Liam and Zayn were watching us from the sofas. I sadly waved back and they copied my action.

“Should I leave?” Harry said quietly, his voice sounded so small and sad.

“No! I’ll talk to her right now and maybe I can convince her to stay with her parents for a bit until we sort things out.” Harry nodded and joined the rest of the guys. He sat beside Niall who comfortingly patted his back. I had to look away, I never liked the way Niall touched Harry but I would never say anything, after all Niall has been so supportive.

I paced to my bedroom where I knew Eleanor would be. I opened the door and my eyes fell upon the weeping girl in the corner of the room. She was on the floor bawling her heart out.

“El, don’t cry. I’m so sorry!” I walked over to her and she lifted her head to stare at me. Her heartbroken eyes seemed to gaze into my soul. Her mascara had run down her face and her lipstick was slightly smeared.

“How can you do this to me? You told me you loved me and now you tell me you’re in love with Harry!” she spat Harry’s name out like it was a disease, it made me lose a bit of sympathy for her.

“I love him and he loves me. I can’t change that…I’m sorry. I didn’t want this to happen but…love is love.”

“Stop saying sorry!” she screamed. I knew the guys would probably be able to hear her but I couldn’t worry about that now. “How long has it been going on?”

“What?” I said not understanding the question.

How long have you been cheating on me with him?!” Eleanor had stood up and began screaming directly in my face.

“For a couple of years now…but I didn’t think it was real feelings at the start and when I met you I thought I was in love but I just don’t feel for you the same way I feel for Harry.”

Silence surrounded the room and I could tell things were going to kick off.

“Years? Years!!! I can’t believe this. You are a f**king fag and you knew it for that long but you still agreed to go out with me! I can’t believe I’ve been dating a faggot!” I was about to scream something back at her hurtful words but Harry burst into the room.

“Don’t you dare talk to him like that!” Harry said getting up in Eleanor’s face. Eleanor’s face was red with fury and I could practically see the steam shooting out of her ears. She opened her mouth and I thought she was going to shout at Harry but instead she let out an ear piercing scream. She sounded like a banshee. Harry and I covered our ears as the rest of the guys ran into the room to see what happened. As we all stood there staring at Eleanor she stopped.

“Did the rest of you know about this?” Eleanor voice was hoarse from the crying and screaming. The boys stayed silent and looked at each other. “You did! Why are you doing this to me Lou?” Eleanor began crying again and the tears leaked out like a never-ending valve.

“Eleanor, I love you. I really do but I’m not in love with you.”

“Baby, I can change. I’ll be different. I can be whatever you want me to be, just don’t leave me!” Eleanor broke down crying on her knees and hugging my legs like a bawling child.

“El, I’m sorry.” I whispered. Liam took control and helped her up on her feet. She was shaking uncontrollably and she looked a wreck.

“How about we get you cleaned up and I can take you home?” Liam said in his fatherly way. Eleanor nodded sadly and followed Liam to the bathroom. The rest of us all looked at one another. I watched Harry and a tear dropped from his eye. Niall noticed too and we both went up to Harry.

“Hazza, what’s wrong?” I asked stroking his curly locks.

“We can’t be together…we already affecting people.” More tears escaped his eyes as he carried on. “Think about how our fans would feel.” I was about to take his hand but I saw that Niall was already holding it. I enveloped him in a hug and he shrunk into me.

“It is going to be ok. We will be together no matter what.”

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