Chapter 29

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We took Niall home. All he’s been doing is crying alone in his room. I apologised for the stuff I said but he didn’t stop crying…I know he’s not going to just snap out of this whole state of sadness that Stan’s leave has sent him in but none of us want to see him like this. Harry went in to bring him food and water but he hasn’t eaten or drunk any of it. All we could do was sit in the living room and listen to Niall’s soft crying.

“He has to stop sometime. This isn’t good for him.” Liam said.

“There’s nothing we can do. We don’t know where Stan’s gone and the only way he’d stop crying would be if we were to magically bring him back.” I said. I knew there was no way to bring Stan back. If said he was in trouble then he was telling the truth. Stan was never one to lie, he was always brutally honest.

“Maybe we should call the police.” Harry suggested. Harry has been sticking by me 100% during this whole ordeal; it’s as if he’s scared that the same thing could happen to us.

“Haz, if we call the police and send them searching for Stan then Niall could get hurt.” Harry held onto my hand tightly, he’s had tears in his eyes since Niall started crying but I made him promise to stay strong.

“Then we need to find the person who did this.” Harry said squeezing my hand even tighter.

“We need the letter; maybe we could get an idea.” Zayn suggested.

“Niall has it.” Liam said.


At that moment Niall came shuffling out of his room. His tears seemed to be gone but he looked completely dead. He was pale, his eyes were a dimmed blue – it was like he had no light left in his soul.

“Ni, where are you going?” Harry asked, cautiously stepping towards him.

Niall looked up in surprise. Did he not see us all sitting there. “Huh?” Niall murmured.

“Where are you going? Do you need anything?” Harry asked worriedly.

Niall looked around dazed. “I-I…I’m going to find Stan.”

“What do you mean Ni? We can’t find Stan, he’s gone Ni but he’ll be back and he said he’d contact you.”

“No, I’m going out to look for him…he might be at an airport…he might still be at the flat…I’ll find him.”

“Niall, please, just go lay back down, I’ll bring you some—

“No! Harry, leave me alone! I’m going to find Niall, stop trying to stop me. I need him and I’m going to find him. He wouldn’t just leave me like this. He said he loved me…He…wouldn’t…leave…me.” Niall burst into another flood of tears, falling into Harry’s arms. Harry looked at me to help. I got up quickly going to comfort Niall.

“Hey buddy, why don’t we go in your room and sit down? We can have a little chat, right?”

I said, gently prying Niall off Harry. Niall nodded and I gently helped him into his room.


Niall lay on his bed, cuddling up closely to Stan’s letter.

“I miss him, Lou.”

“I know, I know but he’ll come back. He’s just gotten himself into a little situation and he’ll be back before you know it.” I said comfortingly.

“You think I’m an idiot don’t you.”

“No, why would you think that?” Niall was beginning to worry me. He was in way to much sadness and depression. I was scared that he would do something he’d regret.

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