Chapter 15

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I could feel Harry’s gaze burning into the side of my face. I couldn’t meet his eyes. If I told him what Stan did, I would surely be blamed for it. Harry was already insecure about himself and the situation with me, if he knew Stan kissed me he would most likely blame himself for it.

“Louis?” Harry called, pulling me from my thoughts. “I asked you, why were you and Stan locked in the bathroom together?”

Liam and Zayn were both staring at Harry and me, sensing an upcoming argument. Liam’s eyes were filled with accusation but Zayn’s were just filled with confusion and worry. He was wondering what my answer would be and so was I.

“I-I…H-He…W-We…Umm…He was going through a really tough time and he needed someone to talk to.” I thought for a second before speaking again. “He was really upset and that is probably what he wants to talk to me about and I didn’t even get to hear everything because Niall ran in and told me you had gone with Derek.

“Oh…” Harry said a bit uncertainly. Bringing up Derek was the key.

“What did you think I was doing, Haz?” I asked innocently. Harry looked at me guiltily, I hated deceiving him like this but it was all I could do.


“See, Harry. You need to learn to trust me. We can’t have a proper relationship if you think I’m not faithful.” I said sternly cutting into Harry’s stammering. Harry pouted sadly.

“Boo bear, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything. I was just wondering-”

“Well, Haz, don’t wonder. You should believe in me, okay? Now can we just drop it?” I said coldly. I turned away from Harry to stare out of the window. Awkward silence filled the car. I felt Harry try to grab my hand but I pulled it away, it was best to keep all hands to ourselves right now. He wouldn’t believe I’m truly upset otherwise and later when I ‘forgive’ him he’ll be even more grateful.


It may have been the awkward silence or the fact that there was slight traffic but after what felt like hours we finally made it to the apartment. Simon’s black Bugatti sat near the apartment promptly placing the fear in all of us. Simon didn’t make these visits just to tell us how good we were doing. Paparazzi swarmed the outside of the apartment, snapping pictures as our vehicle pulled up. Paul had to be the first to get out. He lifted the intoxicated Niall out of the car and carried him, bridal style, out the car. Liam and Harry followed and Zayn and I went last. It was too risky to be seen next to Harry these days; the accusations could be triggered by the smallest thing.

“Come on boys!” Paul shouted over the cries of the paps.

“Niall! Niall! Wakey Wakey!” One of the paps was trying to disturb Niall out of his unconscious state but Niall merely grumbled before falling silent.

“Harry! Everyone is talkin’ ‘bout you being a fag! You don’t have a girlfriend so is it true?” I could see Harry move faster through the paps, practically running. I saw the guy that said it and if it wasn’t for Zayn giving me a ‘he’s not worth it’ look I would have decked him.

We struggled through the paps and made it into our building. As soon as we got we were out of sight of the paps and back to the quietness we had in the car.

“Harry, don’t cry.” Liam said breaking the peace.

“I’m fine!” Harry ensured. I walked over to Harry but before I could get close enough to give him a hug Paul stopped me.

“Not here, Louis.” Paul whispered seriously. I nodded sadly. I just wanted to get to the room and make my baby happy again. I walked next to Harry but was unable to comfort him on the way to our room. Niall was making a lot more noises as he began to wake up; I kept jumping when he shouted ‘Bublé!’ or ‘Bieber!’

We approached the door but before we could even touch the door knob it opened as if by magic. Paul stepped in first a bit wary but was greeted by the less than warm welcome of Simon Cowell.

“Hurry up boys. I’ve been waiting here all day.” Simon exaggerated. We hurried in and were seated on the couches. Simon stood at the centre of attention and started the announcement.

“Boys this is mainly-” Simon stopped briefly looking at Harry closely. “Harry, are you alright?”

Harry sniffled and tried to cover up a tear escaping his eye.

“I-I’m fine.” Harry looked down to his lap, his curls falling softly over his face.

“One of the paps made a snide comment and it upset him.” Liam explained.

“There are always going to be snide comments and there may be even more to come.” Simon took a deep breath before turning to me. “Louis, Eleanor called me earlier tonight and told me that the deal with you and her was off. She said she couldn’t take you leaving her for Harry anymore. Would you care to explain this to me?” Simon looked at me semi-crossly. Just a certain look from Simon had everyone trembling slightly.

“At the club we got into an argument when I went to help Harry. I told her I didn’t need her and she threatened to ruin my career…I didn’t want to take it anymore, I didn’t want her around me anymore.” I sighed feeling disappointed yet relieved.

“Well, that is exactly what she was planning to do. The contract we got her to sign to still be your girlfriend was only binding if you were also in agreement, seeing as you are no longer abiding by the rules Modest! Has tried to set out for you Eleanor has now decided to spoil your name and Harry’s. She has already gone to every newspaper to give them the scoop on ‘Larry’.” Simon revealed.

“What are we going to do?!” Harry said tensely. He looked so terrified and worried. His curls were flopping slightly over his face and he did a little hair flick to move them away but it didn’t do much.

“The only thing you can do is come out to the world. I have organised a last-minute interview which will be live and broadcasted around the world. The interviewers will be here at 12:00pm tomorrow afternoon and I am very sorry boys but I can’t help you with this one. This is something you have to do on your own.” Simon stated. “I have to go but I will be watching the interview and I do honestly want you all to be happy. Be who you are. Stay who you are.”

Simon left, those words played on my mind. ‘Stay who you are’. Harry immediately got up and ran to me, embracing me in an emotional hug. I felt him crying into my shoulder.

“Hazza babe it’s going to be alright.”

“I-I don’t know if I can come out to the world.” The curly haired boy sobbed.  

“You can! We can! We will do this together. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” I stroked his curls gently easing his worry. Liam and Zayn both stood up too coming to join in the hug, making it a small group hug. Niall probably would’ve joined in to if he wasn’t sprawled out across one of the sofas. Paul watched us silently. Harry broke the hug, tears still springing out of his eyes.

“What if we can’t be One Direction anymore?” Harry’s lip quivered at the thought of all that we have accomplished going to waste over our relationship. I gently touched his face getting ready to tell him that it wasn’t going to happen but instead Paul spoke up. At his first words we all turned to him.

“No.” Paul said strongly. “You will always be One Direction. You will always be friends. You will always be in the hearts of people everywhere. Not Simon or even Modest! can take that away from you. Your fans love you for your personalities and your music. They won’t care that 2 of you have found love with each other, in fact some of them will be thrilled!” Paul gave us a little reassuring smile. He was right. If our fans were true they would love us no matter who we are in love with. They won’t care if we’re gay.

“Thanks Paul.” I said. Harry and the other boys thanked Paul before he gave us all a little nod and goodnight leaving us all with extremely mixed feelings.

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