Chapter 18

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Harry and I walked side-by-side to the set. The guys were following shortly behind. My heart raced and it took every single bit of power for me not to grab Harry’s hand for comfort. I could tell he was struggling as well. He fiddled with his hands constantly and would occasionally sigh with worry. Our drive to the set was worse. The car was silent except for when Paul would ask a few questions about what we were going to say, which we had no answer to. I couldn’t tell whether or not this whole ordeal would turn out well or would our whole lives just turn down-hill. An unknown interviewer sat in a comfy looking armchair, cameras surrounded the front of the set, as to catch any and every movement made by the interviewee(s).

“Are you sure you want to do this Lou?” Harry asked quietly.

“We don’t have a choice. It’s better for us to out ourselves that for Eleanor to do it for us.”

Harry nodded and sighed. “I love you Louis.”

“I love you too.”


We all moved onto the set taking our seats while the interviewer ran through some of the minor questions he’d ask. This interviewer, who introduced himself as Mark, had been picked by Simon. His question would all lead up to the big one. People rushed around in the background setting things up and before I could even get myself fully prepared I heard a woman shout, “We are live in 3…2…1...”

I didn’t know we were going live!

“Hello out there! We are here today with One Direction. Guys, I want to say a massive thank-you for joining us here today.”

“It’s great to be here.” Liam spoke. We all nodded in agreement.

“Great! Well, let’s get straight to it then. Your new perfume Our Moment has been selling like hot cakes. So many fans have gone out of their way to get that perfume. How do you guys feel about that?”

“It’s absolutely amazing. Our fans are the best and we know we always have their support. So thanks everyone!” I said waving at the camera with a cheesy grin. Zayn chimed in also.

“The perfume is really nice my sisters all bought their own and my mum’s even got one.” Zayn smiled.

“And guys, you new album Midnight Memories is coming out soon and all the fans are excited about it. What can they expect from the album?”

Liam smirked. “All we can tell you is; it’s gonna rock their worlds.” Harry chuckled beside me.

“Speaking of rocking worlds, we want to talk about relationships.” My heart skipped a beat. Mark had missed most of his other questions and was now moving onto the relationship part of the interview. “Liam in your last interview you said you were in fact seeing someone. Can we finally know who the lucky lady is?”

Liam sighed. “Not yet. She sure is a special one though. I think I may have found ‘the one’.” Liam gave a weird face when he said she and I had a feeling I knew who this ‘she’ was.

“Niall, you said you also had feelings for someone and you were going to tell them soon, did you?”

Niall sighed and looked down to his shoes. “Yeah…I don’t really want to talk about it right now, if that’s okay.”

Mark nodded and moved on. “Viewer, Listeners, whatever you want to call yourself, this is a special moment in this interview that Harry and Louis both want to express. Go ahead guys.”

The cameras zoomed into our faces. I looked at Harry and he looked back at me. I breathed out a shaky deep breath that I hadn’t realised I’d been holding in. Surprisingly Harry gripped my hand. I was lucky he did because I wouldn’t have had the courage, comfort or energy to speak.


“Thanks Mark. I’m Louis Tomlinson –

“And I’m Harry Styles.” Harry said quickly. I smiled at him affectionately.

“I’m – scratch that. We are here today because we are tired of pretending we are something were not. We are tired of hiding from the world. We are tired of not being able to walk down the street next to each other because to many accusations will arise and our management will get upset. So many people have to hear abuse thrown at them on an everyday basis and society doesn't really bother with it. We see people getting abuse for their weight, their skin colour, their popularity and even the gender they like. A lot of us are afraid to just be ourselves because we are too afraid of being judged for who we really are. We can’t take one negative comment because we are too afraid that, that one comment will be the one to push us off the edge. Sometimes even you’re closest and most treasures friend will idly stand by and watch as who you are disappears little-by-little each day. They know who you are but the world doesn’t. And the truth is that real friend, or friends in our case, who sticks up for you and encourages you to show those people your true self are the ones who you should always keep in your life. We are through with being afraid. I will stick up for every single one of my fans as if they were my closest of family and most importantly I’m going to stand up for who I am. I am Louis Tomlinson and I am in love with my boyfriend Harry Styles.”

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