Chapter 6

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When we got to the apartment, Harry was bouncing around like a hyperactive child.

“We did it Lou!” Harry screeched. “We got through it!”

“Yeah, but was it good enough for Modest! Management?” I questioned.

“Well, I think we did a great job.” Harry said wrapping his arms around my waist. “I think you deserve a reward for how well you did.” Harry smiled seductively. I was about to ask what my reward was but was interrupted by Zayn. He stood at his bedroom door, looking awkwardly aggravated at me and Harry.

“Guys, can I speak to you for a sec?” Harry let go of my waist and began walking towards Zayn. I followed Harry all the while wondering what bad news I was going to receive this time. I had already had it out with Zayn and I wasn’t looking forward to another confrontation. Harry was none the wiser to the little spat I had with Zayn. He didn’t realise Zayn was slightly homophobic.

We entered Zayn’s sanctuary and it was like stepping into a palace. Everything was neat. There was not a smudge or speck of dust to be seen anywhere around. Our rooms on the other hand were like bomb sites. There was a mini-sofa at the side of the room.

“Do you guys want to take a seat?” Zayn offered. Harry moved first and I instinctively followed. As soon as we sat Harry gripped my hand with his. I think even he could sense that this chat wasn’t going to be the pleasant kind. Zayn stood in front of us pacing the floor.

“Guys, I’ve had a lot of time to think this over and I think…it’s best for me to leave the band.” Harry and I gasped in complete shock.

“W-Why Zayn?” Harry said confused and upset. Harry’s hand wrapped tighter around mine.

“I don’t think I can stay anymore. I don’t know what I’m doing here. I felt for a long time that I didn’t fit in and I didn’t have what it takes and I was proven right. I don’t want to be in a band like this.”

“Zayn, don’t do this. What do you mean ‘a band like this’? You fit in, we all love you Zayn don’t leave us.” Harry pleaded. Harry had an issue with people letting him down. When he got close to people he never wanted to let them go and it was hurting him big time that Zayn was considering leaving the band.

“I’m sorry Haz but I’ve had a lot of time to think about it.” Zayn looked regretfully at Harry. “I don’t want to be in a band with you guys anymore.”

Harry let go of my hand. He looked at Zayn with hurt, soul-crushing stare.

“Zayn, you’re not making any sense. Everything was fine before. You can’t just suddenly say you want to leave.” Harry was shaking his head vigorously.

“Louis, explain what we talked about.” Zayn said gripping his neat black hair. I stared up at him in shock over his words. I knew he couldn’t just pack up and leave tomorrow because of the contract but when the contract is over which is in no more than 4 months he could just quit. Harry gave me a desperate look, begging for a gratifying answer.

“Babe, I think Zayn is trying to say that he can’t be in a band with us because we’re gay.” I spoke slowly and calmly but the reaction I got from Harry was the complete opposite to what I was going for.

Harry looked at Zayn with anger masking his eyes.

“Are you serious?!” Harry asked. His tone read angry but his eyes were tearing up. He was wounded.

“I didn’t want him to say it like that but I’m sorry Haz. I just don’t agree with it. I tried to put up with it but seeing you guys actually want to come out with it just makes me sick and I-

Zayn words were cut short when Harry’s fist was flung into Zayn’s cheek. Zayn reeled back, clutching his bruised cheek. He spat out blood onto his clean floor. Zayn’s cheek turned from caramel-coloured to a sickly dark red. I jumped up holding Harry back before he could do anything else but he didn’t even bother moving towards Zayn. He stood there staring at his fist shocked at his own actions. Tears were travelling down his soft pale cheeks.

“Haz, why don’t you go to your room yeah? I’ll be in in a minute.” All Harry could do was nod at my words as he sombrely turned around and walked out the door.

I quickly moved to tend to Zayn. He stood with tears cascading down his cheeks. He held his cheek softly.

“Zayn, Harry is sorry. He didn’t know what he was doing.” I said trying to explain.

“No. You probably wanted to do that too.” Zayn wept. “I’m sorry Lou. You guys are my closest friends and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I just feel like I shouldn’t be here. You’re gay, Harry’s gay, Niall is gay. Liam and I are the only ones who aren’t and we are both having a really tough time dealing with everything.”

“Wait Niall isn’t gay.”

“Of course he is. Haven’t you seen the way he looks at Harry?!” I had suspected some stuff but I just always thought Niall was straight.

“Oh…Well, Z it doesn’t matter if majority of the band are gay. Everyone knows you have Perrie, no one is going to think you’re gay.” I said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“I know…but what if I turn gay.” Zayn said genuinely upset. I chuckled loudly, the fact that he thought that being gay could be caught or something was hilarious.

“Zayn, you’re not gay.” He shook of my hand from his shoulder and walked over to his neat bed. He looked down at it sullenly before jumping into it. He hid, like a little child, under the bed covers. “Zayn, you aren’t gay. How about Harry and I promise we won’t do any couple stuff while you’re around.”

“It’s not about that!” Zayn whined.

“Then explain it to me because I have no clue how you’re feeling right now.”

“I think I might me gay.” Zayn uncovered his face. His tear stained cheeks glistened and his chocolate brown eyes stared up at me like a lost puppy but all I could manage to say was.


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