Chapter 11

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I marched confidently back into the living room but when I entered I saw Harry and Liam both hugging Niall as he cried so grossly into Harry’s shoulder. Harry was the first to realise I was back in the room. I stood by the door, with my arms folded and glaring at the embrace of the 3 lads. Harry looked at me uneasily as Niall still clung to both of them. I felt Zayn walk up behind me and he noticed the scene to because he whispered, “Are you okay?” He put a comforting hand on my shoulder but I didn’t bother asking. I was not okay with this. That home wrecker didn’t have a right to touch my boyfriend. Liam was the next to notice me and Zayn standing there watching the infuriating sight. Liam instantly stepped away, dragging Harry with him. The last to notice us was Niall. But when he did look at us I could feel the hurt, sadness and loss of friendship that his heart had to carry. Too bad I didn’t care anymore. I lost all sympathy for that Irish bastard ever since I saw him on top of my boyfriend.


Harry walked away from Niall miserably and stood in front of me.

“What going on here?” I asked Harry sternly.

“Niall has decided that he wants to move out.” Harry whispered. He looked so broken; Niall was his second best friend, me being the first. Whenever I wasn’t around and Harry needed someone to talk to Niall would be there and now Niall wanted to leave. I wasn’t exactly objecting to it but I saw how sad Harry was. We were all wishing what happened never happened…but it did and we would now have to deal with it.

“Maybe it’s best.” I said dispassionately. Harry looked at me shocked.

“Maybe it’s best for you but Niall is still my friend. He apologised and I’ve forgiven him. You forgave me, why can’t you forgive him?”

“Because he tried to steal you away from me! Harry what do you not get about this?! I fucking hate him. We almost broke up for good because of him! He keeps causing this mess and it’s best that he just leaves!”

“But Lou—”

“No Harry! Don’t start making excuses! Why can’t you get it? Are you fucking thick?!”  I screamed hostilely. I don’t know why I was reacting this way. Just hearing Harry want Niall to stay so badly just made my blood boil. I wanted him to be passionate about me and only me. Harry looked at me scared. Niall looked at me shocked. Liam shook his head and Zayn looked at Liam for guidance. I just stared straight into Harry’s eyes; I watched the transformation as his eyes went from normal to glassy and ready to flood.

“I must be thick. I must be thick to think that we could get back together and everything will be fine again. Nothing will be the same. You’ll be watching over me to check that I’m not cheating on you and you’ll never take Niall back as your friend. I am pretty thick to think that you really love me. You don’t really want me do you? You shout at me. You make me cry. You call me thick! You’re a jerk!” Harry screamed back. He rushed over to Niall.

“Ni, please stay I don’t know if I can do this without you. I want us to just be friends. Can we?” Niall nodded vigorously in response and they both embraced in an emotional hug. They were such chicks!


I didn’t want to see this anymore. How could things keep going from bad to good? Why can’t I just have a happy ending? I went into my room unaware I was being followed but when I turned to close my door Zayn was standing behind me.

“Lou, don’t stress about this. After a week or so we’ll all just go back to normal. We all just need to get some sleep and maybe go out clubbing!” Zayn said enthusiastically. Zayn’s idea of problem-solving was either sleep or a party. And that actually sounded quite good.

“Maybe you’re right.” I said. Zayn looked at me stunned. I think he thought I’d disagree.

“Uh…Cool. Maybe we can do the sleep thing first, because I’m really tired and then we can head out at 10:00pm to that new club down the street. I’ll tell the guys!” Zayn was just about to leave when I asked, “Zayn, can I invite some people?”

“Sure.” Zayn said eagerly. He was completely oblivious to what I was planning. I just hoped everything doesn’t go tits-up.

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