Chapter 13

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“10 more shots!” Harry commanded. He twisted around in the bar stool nearly falling on top of me. He steadied himself and observed as Derek lined up the shots once again.

“Maybe you should slow down a bit Boo.” Derek smiled.

“Don’t worry about me; just keep pouring those drinks sexy!” Harry said giggling. He downed all the shots in 5 seconds. It must have been a record of some kind. I still couldn’t get over what Harry just said, even if he was drunk he should never deny me being his boyfriend and then flirt with another guy in front of me.

“Harry!” I shouted, getting his attention. “What are you saying? Do you not want to be with me anymore?”

Harry gave me a bored look. “Louis, just leave okay. You’re killing my vibe.”

“Yeah, leave my Boo alone.” Derek was standing up for Harry like they actually meant something to one another. What was happening?

“Fine Haz. If you don’t want me then I don’t need to beg for you. I just risked my whole career by actually dumping Eleanor. She’s going to tell everyone about us but I doubt you even care.” I finished off by flipping him off. Harry just sniggered and turned back to Derek. I walked away quickly before my eyes started flooding with tears. I needed air. I needed comfort. Why was this happening all over again? Harry has done this to me once with Niall and now he was doing it with a casual bartender dude?!


I was pushing through random celebrities trying to make my way out the club when I heard a voice calling me. “Louis! Wait up!” I was grabbed by the shoulder and dragged back. I spun ready for a fight but instead of a fight I was met with the worried face of my best friend Stan. I rushed into his arms and sobbed deeply into his shoulder.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” He rubbed my back soothingly. “Lou, stop crying you’re tougher than this. Whatever happened just tell me and we can sort it out.” I clung to him not wanting to show my tear stained face. “Alright come on.” I felt Stan crouch slightly and the next thing I knew he was lifting up my legs to carry me out. My legs were on either side of his waist. He kept his hands on the inside of my leg to secure me whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head there until I knew it was okay to come out.


Stan kicked open a door and I heard a soft clicking sound. He lowered me to the floor but I didn’t want to let go of him.

“Lou, tell me what happened?” He tried to pry my hands away from his neck.

“Don’t let me go.” I whimpered.

“I miss when you used to do this.” Stan chuckled lightly but still removed my hands anyway. I was forced to step back. I finally realised that we were in a bathroom. All the stalls were open so we knew it was empty. “So, are you going to tell me?”

I nodded and took a deep breath. “Harry was flirting with the bartender and when he asked if I was Harry’s boyfriend Harry said no.” I bawled.

“W-Why?” Stan seemed to be having as much trouble understanding as I was.

“I-I don’t know, he…he…” I couldn’t carry on the fact that it even happened was just getting to me.

“Lou, come here.”

I stepped back into his arms like a shy child and he held onto my waist. He kissed my neck softly and said, “Louis, I don’t want you to feel sad about this. If Harry wants to be a dick then let him. Obviously he’s not right for you. Eleanor told me about him and Niall and honestly I think you deserve better.” He kissed my neck again. His fingers lightly hung onto my waist. The touch of his lips trailed to my earlobe. He gently nibbled on my ear making me feel weak at the knees. He stopped for a brief second. “You need someone better than Harry. You need me.” He returned back to nibbling at my ear.

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