Chapter 7

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Zayn Malik had just confessed to me that he may be gay. Zayn ‘straighter than a pole’ Malik may be gay. How did he know? Did he have feelings for another guy? I had so many questions to ask. Zayn looked up at me with tear filled eyes, hoping I had an explanation for how he was feeling. But before I could do that I needed all the facts.

“Zayn, why do you think you might be gay?” I said sitting down on his bed.

“Louis, I kissed Liam.” I looked at Zayn shocked. Happy but shocked.

“What do you mean you kissed Liam?” I asked, hoping he’s elaborate.

“I-I didn’t meant to. I mean I did but I didn’t do it. We both just did it. We were talking about you and Harry a couple of days ago and we both agreed that if you two came out it wouldn’t be good for the band. We want you two to be happy but we don’t want our lives to shatter because of it. I was really worrying about it and Liam was being such a good friend. I don’t even know what happened, he tried to cheer me up and then I kept looking at his lips…his perfect lips. See what I’m saying! He was just being so…hot! And he looked at my lips and I looked at his and then we just kissed, it is the same feeling I get when I kiss Perrie. There’s something wrong with me!” Zayn clutched his head as if a million tiny explosives were going off with each revelation.

“Zayn there’s nothing wrong with you. Have you talked to Liam about it?” I asked.

“I can’t. He’s been ignoring me.” Zayn said miserably.  I hadn’t even noticed…I guess I was to focused on my own love life I didn’t see one crumbling right before my own eyes.

I couldn’t even believe that I hadn’t noticed that Liam and Zayn, the two guys who couldn’t go 5 minutes without speaking to each other, were now giving each other the silent treatment.

“So, do you love Liam now?”

“No! I still love Perrie. I couldn’t even dream about leaving Perrie, she’s my whole world but…I just I really liked kissing Liam.” Zayn said smiling at the thought.

“Zayn, you’re not gay.” I said plainly. “I think your bisexual.” Zayn looked at me like he couldn’t comprehend what I was saying. “Zayn, you say you love Perrie but Liam makes you feel ‘weird’ like the feeling you got when you first met Perrie?” He nodded. “Zayn I think you are just interested in Liam, you feel like you want to try something new. Have you ever experimented with guys when you were younger?”

Zayn gave me an appalled expression which told me that he hadn’t. “Zayn this could be your brain or your heart wanting to know which gender it prefers or you could simply like both.”

Zayn was about to question my information but my phone buzzed in my pocket. I had a text from Harry.

How the text convo went:

HazzaBoo: I thought you would be in, in a minute.

Me: Babe, I have to talk to Zayn he’s going through some stuff

HazzaBoo: We’re going through some stuff and I need you with me

Me: Haz, I need you to understand that I want to help Zayn. I’ll be with you in a minute.

HazzaBoo: Fine. I don’t care. I’ll just hang with Niall.

Me: Harry, don’t be like that.

Harry didn’t bother texting back; maybe he was already hanging out with Niall. I didn’t think he would get all drama-queen on me but ever since the day in the park when I didn’t hold his hand it’s just been one argument after another. It’s like he doesn’t realise that I’m doing all this for him. I wouldn’t be here without him.

“Lou, if you want to go you can.” Zayn said snapping me out of my Harry filled thoughts.

“Zayn, you need to have time to think about you and Liam. You need to speak to him to get things cleared up. Talk to Perrie as well. Z, if you ever need anyone to talk to I’m here, whether it’s about girls or boys I’ll always listen.” I got up off the bed and was about to make my dramatic exit but was tackled by Zayn. Zayn hung onto me for dear life, embracing me in the most emotional hug I had ever received from him.

“Thanks Lou and I’m sorry for everything before. I’m just scared.” Zayn said burying his face in the crook of my neck.

“I know.” I whispered softly. Zayn let go shyly and gave me an awkward look before giving me a toothy smile. Just seeing him smile was good enough for me. I headed for the door as Zayn lay back on his bed.

“Hey, Lou tell Harry I’m sorry.” Zayn said with a voice filled with guilt and sorrow. I gave one final nod before heading out.

I partially fixed Zayn’s problem…kind of. All I needed to do was get Harry back to being my happy little cupcake and all will be well with the world. I walked out of the room and headed towards the living room. Liam was laying there sleepily looking at pictures, I could have sworn he was looking at a picture of him and Zayn hugging but as soon as he acknowledged me being in the room he slyly hid the phone.

“Li, have you seen Harry and Ni?” Liam looked at me blinking for a second before he realised he was supposed to answer.

“I saw Harry go into Niall’s room a couple of minutes ago.” Liam yawned.

“Thanks mate…oh and I think Zayn needs to speak to you.” He instantly shot up hearing the name Zayn. He quickly recovered, acting as if it didn’t bother him. I moved on so I could give him some private time to run into Zayn’s arms.

I shuffled along to Niall’s domain. Like usual I entered the room without knocking…but I wish I hadn’t. The sight I saw was enough to rip my heart to shreds. The remaining pieces of my heart had dropped to my stomach. Niall was on top of Harry making out with him. As soon as the door opened they stopped but I still saw what they were doing. Both boys sprung up, Harry ran to me.

“Lou, it’s not what it looks like I swear!” Harry cried. Tears flowed down my cheeks like an endless river. Harry’s eyes were red and puffy, he was about to break any second now but…I didn’t care anymore. I stared at Harry and Niall, looking at both of them with hurt blinding my eyes. “Boo-Bear, I love you. This isn’t what it looks like.” That was the oldest line in the book. Whenever someone gets caught cheating, it’s never what it looks like but I knew perfectly well what it was. My ‘boyfriend’ was making out with one of my best mates.

“Lou, it was my fault. Don’t blame Harry.” Niall said stepping towards me. The closer he stepped towards me the more my head felt like it would explode. How long had this been going on for? Did it just start? Did I lead Harry to this? I should have paid more attention to him! With too many thoughts flooding my head I rushed out of the apartment. I could hear Harry calling my name and Niall running after me but I just continued to flee. Tears blinded my eyes to the point where the world was just a blur.

“Louis!” A soft voice called. Someone grabbed me by the shoulders making me immediately stop, I fought against their grip but I was too weak with hurt to put up a fight. “Lou baby, it’s me.” The owner of the soft voice wiped away my tears and I could see that I had run quite far away from the apartment. I was in the middle of the street with strangers gawping at me. I looked up at the comforting figure and it was none other than Eleanor.

“Don’t worry Lou. You’re safe with me now.”

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